2012-12-04 89 views




    Styles that define common aspects of the platform look and feel 
    Required by Visual Studio project and item templates 
<ResourceDictionary Source="Common/StandardStyles.xaml"/> 


    This file contains XAML styles that simplify application development. 

    These are not merely convenient, but are required by most Visual Studio project and item templates. 
    Removing, renaming, or otherwise modifying the content of these files may result in a project that 
    does not build, or that will not build once additional pages are added. If variations on these 
    styles are desired it is recommended that you copy the content under a new name and modify your 
    private copy. 



事情是,我正在創建一個模塊化應用程序,並在我的每個模塊集合中生成此文件夾。它很煩人。爲什麼N倍的Common文件夾,而不是在同一個位置的同一件事?我正在尋找的是禁止它的一代:) – Maciek


您獲得一個通用的項目類型以外的主應用程序?像類庫或Windows運行時組件?我覺得我在這裏錯過了一些東西。 –


是的,當我在類庫中添加一個「Page」項 – Maciek