我寫在SQL Server 2016年簡單的存儲過程,但是當我有2條插入語句我不斷收到寫着附近的「終結」存儲過程多個插入錯誤
-- This is the stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SampleProcedure] (-- which accepts 2 table value parameters -- It should be noted that the parameter is readonly @Sample As [dbo].[SampleDataType] Readonly, @Rec As [dbo].[SampleRecType] ReadOnly ) AS BEGIN -- We simply insert values into the DB table from the parameter -- The table value parameter can be used like a table with only read rights -- INSERT INTO SampleTable(SampleString, SampleDate) -- SELECT SampleString, SampleDate -- FROM @Sample INSERT INTO tbl1Recipients(strEmailSendIDx, strEmailAddress, strDisplayName, strRecipientType) INSERT INTO tbl1SentEmails(strEmailSendID, dtmSent, strSubject, strBody, strConversationID, strConversationTopic, strConversationIndex, dtmReplied, dtmOpened, dtmClicked, blnTrackOpens, blnTrackClicks, blnTrackReplies, lngMergeID, blnHide, lngLatestEventID, strClickResponse, dtmClickResponse) SELECT * FROM @Sample END
-- This is the stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SampleProcedure] ( -- which accepts one table value parameter. -- It should be noted that the parameter is readonly @Sample As [dbo].[SampleDataType] Readonly, @Rec As [dbo].[SampleRecType] ReadOnly ) AS BEGIN -- We simply insert values into the DB table from the parameter -- The table value parameter can be used like a table with only read rights INSERT INTO tbl1Recipients(strEmailSendID, strEmailAddress, strDisplayName, strRecipientType) SELECT * FROM @Rec INSERT INTO tbl1SentEmails(strEmailSendID, dtmSent, strSubject, strBody, strConversationID, strConversationTopic, strConversationIndex, dtmReplied, dtmOpened, dtmClicked, blnTrackOpens, blnTrackClicks, blnTrackReplies, lngMergeID, blnHide, lngLatestEventID, strClickResponse, dtmClickResponse) SELECT * FROM @Sample END
總之,你的語法是錯誤的。請檢查您的INSERT語句的語法 – Squirrel
@Squirrel如果我刪除'Insert' for'tbl1Recipients'它的工作。我知道多個插入是允許的......但是我檢查了'tbl1Recipients'的值,它似乎沒問題。 –
你的插入語句看起來不對。來自'@sample'的select *的結果不能同時適用於具有4列的表格和具有18列的另一個表格。您應該能夠使用兩個不同的選擇結果集來分隔兩個插入語句,可能會構建'@samplerecipients和'@sampleemails – BasicIsaac