2017-06-01 108 views

除DeleteUser(id)以外的所有其他函數都不起作用我只能通過post方法傳遞第一個變量,我認爲這是我嘗試過很多次的「id」,並且在addRecord.php腳本它給了我使用ajax post方法不起作用的變量

PHP公告:未定義指數:ID1, PHP公告:未定義指數:date1的

和那張但對於 DeleteUser(ID),它工作正常我正在嘗試這個LINK教程,並替換了表格細節,並且很好地顯示了表格和按鈕也,但我不能從這個

function addRecord() { 
     // get values 
     var id = $("#id").val(); 
     var date = $("#date").val(); 
     var time = $("#time").val(); 
     var news = $("#news").val(); 

     // Add record 
     $.post("ajax/addRecord.php", { 
    news1: news   //if i give news1:"test" it does not work 
     }, function (data, status) { 
      // close the popup 

      // read records again 

      // clear fields from the popup 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
     // READ recods on page load 
     readRecords(); // calling function 
    // READ records 
    function readRecords() { 
     $.get("ajax/readRecords.php", {}, function (data, status) { 

    function DeleteUser(id) { 
     var conf = confirm("Are you sure, do you really want to delete User?"); 
     if (conf == true) { 
      $.post("ajax/deleteUser.php", { 
        id: id 
       function (data, status) { 
        // reload Users by using readRecords(); 

    function GetUserDetails(id) { 
     // Add User ID to the hidden field for furture usage 
     $.post("ajax/readUserDetails.php", { 
      function (data, status) { 
       // PARSE json data 
       var user = JSON.parse(data); 
       // Assing existing values to the modal popup fields 
     // Open modal popup 

    function UpdateUserDetails() { 
     // get values 
     var id = $("#update_id").val(); 
     var date = $("#update_date").val(); 
     var time = $("#update_time").val(); 
     var news = $("#update_news").val(); 

     // get hidden field value 
     var id = $("#hidden_user_id").val(); 

     // Update the details by requesting to the server using ajax 
     $.post("ajax/updateUserDetails.php", { 
      function (data, status) { 
         // hide modal popup 
       // reload Users by using readRecords(); 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
     // READ recods on page load 
     readRecords(); // calling function 


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       <div class="form-group"> 
        <label for="id">ID</label> 
        <input type="text" id="id" placeholder="ID" class="form-control"/> 

       <div class="form-group"> 
        <label for="date">DAte</label> 
        <input type="text" id="date" placeholder="DAte" class="form-control"/> 

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       <div class="form-group"> 
        <label for="update_time">Email Address</label> 
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顯示你'addrecord.php'和'deleteuser。 php'代碼請問 – Subi


https://pastebin.com/yhrQDjLQ – chriscka


https://pastebin.com/jwWUdLtL – chriscka




url: 'ajax/addrecords.php', 
data: {'id1' : id, 'news1':news, 'time1':time, 'date1':date}, 
type: 'post', 
success: function(output) { alert(output); }, 
error: function(request, status, error){ alert("Error: Could not delete"); } 

[01-Jun-2017 18:23:20 UTC] PHP注意:未定義的索引:id1 /ajax/addRecord.php上線9 [01-Jun- 2017 18:23:20 UTC] PHP公告:未定義索引:date1 /ajax/addRecord.php 10行 [01-Jun-2017 18:23:20 UTC] PHP公告:未定義索引:time1/ajax/addRecord。 PHP在線11 [01-Jun-2017 18:23:20 UTC] PHP通知:未定義的索引:news1 in /ajax/addRecord.php 12行 – chriscka


這樣換行和onc e再次回顯php文件中的變量$ .post(「ajax/addRecord.php」,{「id1」:id,「date1」:date,「time1」:time,「news1」:news}' – Subi


同樣的錯誤發生,當我嘗試使用udpate函數的空值插入,但它也給新聞未定義的索引,但它得到正確的ID和正確的行更新 – chriscka