"note": "Child 1 First Name: Ali\nChild 1 Gender: Female\nChild 1 Hair Color: Blonde\nChild 1 Hair Style: Wavy\nChild 1 Skin Tone: Tan\nChild 2 First Name: Morgan \nChild 2 Gender: Female\nChild 2 Hair Color: Brown\nChild 2 Hair Style: Ponytail\nChild 2 Skin Tone: Light\nRelationship 1 to 2: Brother\nRelationship 2 to 1: Brother\n",
mongoExDoc: {
child1FirstName: "Ali",
child1Gender: "Female",
child1HairColor: "Blonde",
child1HairStyle: "Wavy",
child1SkinTone: "Tan",
child2FirstName: "Morgan",
child2Gender: "Female",
child2HairColor: "Brown",
child2HairStyle: "Ponytail",
child2SkinTone: "Light",
relationship1To2: "Brother",
relationship2To1: "Brother"
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讓我們知道您是否嘗試過 – sidgate
string.split( '\ n')將得到線。 split('').join('')將刪除空格。 +將允許你連接花括號 – danh