每當通過重定向/渲染/刷新加載或重新加載頁面時,它似乎會自動將最後提供的信息提交到數據庫中。我試着給add方法添加限制,但它似乎保存了以前提交的信息,這允許通過傳遞isset $ _POST。當頁面加載或重新加載時,我的Activeform會觸發
<div class="form offset2">
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('bootstrap.widgets.TbActiveForm', array(
// Check thta the action method below is correct
'action'=> array('/User/AddTeamMessage', 'id' => $model->id),
)); ?>
Would allow user to access specific team messages and control how much gets display.
still under construction.
<div class="row">
echo CHtml::dropDownList("teamId", 'id', Chtml::listData($model->memberOfTeams, 'id', 'teamName'),array(
'empty'=>'Select Team',
'type'=>'POST', // request type
'update'=>'#teamMessages', // selector to update
echo CHtml::dropDownList("teamMessages", '', array(), array('prompt'=>'Select Messages'));
Only works for coaches
Allows coaches to submit team messages.
<?php if ($model->isCoach()) { ?>
<!-- Text area for the coach to enter messages in -->
<textarea name="addTeamMessage" class="span5" rows="5" style="resize: none;"></textarea>
<!-- submit button -->
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Submit Message', array(
'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
'name' => 'submitTeamMessage'
)); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- end the widget. everything will be send to UserController/AddTeamMessages -->
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
/* add a team message submitted by the coach of the team */
public function actionAddTeamMessage($id)
/* check if team and message aren't null */
/* creates a new message */
$teamModel = new TeamMessage;
$teamModel->teamId = $_POST['teamId'];
$teamModel->content = $_POST['addTeamMessage'];
$teamModel->sendTime = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
catch(Exception $e)
echo "Unable to save.";
/* render the profile page for the current user */
$this->render('profile', array(
'model' => $user));
只有當我以教練的身份登錄時,如果非教練員工作得很好......因爲只有教練可以訪問控制器操作以將信息添加到數據庫。 – user2205196
有沒有人知道爲什麼它會一直觸發我的AddTeamMessage,當我刷新頁面? – user2205196