<select name="level" >
<option value="basic" SELECTED>Basic</option>
<option value="premium">Premium</option>
<option value="platinum">Platinum</option>
<button type="submit" name="update" value="<?php echo $row['id'] ?>">Update</button>
if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
//Get the ID of the account that will be updated
$userID = $_POST['update'];
//Get the level that the admin wishes to change to
$level= $_POST['level'];
//Connect to the DB
mysql_connect("localhost", "xxxx", "xxxx")or die("Cannot connect to database");
mysql_select_db("xxxx")or die("Database cannot be selected or it doesnt exist");
//Updates the users access level
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET level='$level' WHERE id='$userID' ");
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