2014-04-09 53 views

請好好執行一下我對這個問題的描述。在Jelly bean中啓用硬件編碼器4.1.1划艇DM3730






git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/ti/omap3 -b jb-release 


* I could build libstagefrighthw.so, libOMX_Core.so, OMX.TI.Video.Decoder.so [ ofcourse with commenting some error lines..] 


<MediaCodec name="OMX.TI.Video.Decoder" type="video/avc"/> 

2.5)建立了DSP協議荷蘭國際集團爲[注:我花了最新] IE:DVSDK


Instead of 

took new version of dvsdk from below link; 


首先想到的,想確認是否是正確的做法?或 我需要注意哪些其他基礎?


1) DSP Layer generates two device files /dev/dsplink and /dev/cmem. 
    whereas the dspbridge in omap3/ tries to communicate with /dev/DspBridge. 

    Hence i created symbolic link to /dev/DspBridge to /dev/dsplink. 

2) Found the below Flow right from the framework. 

       1) OMXMaster Loads libstagefrighthw.so, and get the Plugin Instance. 
       2) Plugin Instance loads libOMX_Core.so. 
       3) Now the Component libOMX.TI.Video.Decode is detected, 

3) I tried two things: 

     3.1) Getting into gallery: I got into the below issue while accessing album. 

D/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Found component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder with refCount 0 
I/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): TI Video Decoder 
I/OMXCodec(1068): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] AVC profile = 100 (High), level = 31 
I/OMXCodec(1068): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] video dimensions are 1280 x 720 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): VIDDEC_SendCommand: Received request from omx client to change state to 2 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): Handle request for state transition: 1 => OMX_StateIdle 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): VIDDEC_InitDSP_H264Dec():7191 LCML_InitMMCodec Failed!...80001009 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): VIDDEC_HandleCommand():2584 LCML Error 1 
E/OMXCodec(1068): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] ERROR(0x80001009, 2) 
W/StagefrightMetadataRetriever(1068): OMXCodec::start returned error -2147483648 (0x80000000) 
D/dalvikvm(1672): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 52K, 4% free 6911K/7175K, paused 16ms, total 19ms 
E/libEGL (1672): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API 
E/libEGL (1672): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API 
I/ARMAssembler(1672): generated scanline__00000177:03010104_00008001_00000000 [105 ipp] (129 ins) at [0x5e32c7e8:0x5e32c9ec] in 183106 ns 
E/libEGL (1672): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API 
E/WVMExtractor(1068): Failed to open libwvm.so 
E/MetadataRetrieverClient(1068): failed to extract an album art 
E/MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI(1672): getEmbeddedPicture: Call to getEmbeddedPicture failed. 
D/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Found component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder with refCount 1 
E/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Max instances of component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder already created. 
D/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Found component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder with refCount 1 
E/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Max instances of component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder already created. 
E/MetadataRetrieverClient(1068): failed to capture a video frame 
E/MediaMetadataRetrieverJNI(1672): getFrameAtTime: videoFrame is a NULL pointer 
W/ImageCacheRequest(1672): decode orig failed /local/video/item/41,MICROTHUMB 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): VIDDEC_GetState():2334 VIDDEC_GetState timed out 
D/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Found matching pHandle(0x41d805e0) at index 1 with refCount 1 
D/TIOMX_CORE(1068): Found component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder with refCount 0 
I/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): TI Video Decoder 
I/OMXCodec(1068): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] AVC profile = 100 (High), level = 31 
I/OMXCodec(1068): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] video dimensions are 1280 x 720 
F/MPEG4Extractor(1068): frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/MPEG4Extractor.cpp:1936 CHECK(!mStarted) failed. 
F/libc (1068): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 1068 (mediaserver) 
I/DEBUG (1064): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
I/DEBUG (1064): Build fingerprint: 'Android/omap3evm/omap3evm:4.1.2/JZO54K/eng.ramprakash.20140407.195934:userdebug/test-keys' 
I/DEBUG (1064): pid: 1068, tid: 1068, name: mediaserver >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<< 
I/DEBUG (1064): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad 
I/DEBUG (1064):  r0 00000027 r1 deadbaad r2 000000a2 r3 00000000 
I/DEBUG (1064):  r4 00000000 r5 be89f504 r6 41d8eb30 r7 00000000 
I/DEBUG (1064):  r8 41d8eb30 r9 00000002 sl ffffffff fp ffffffff 
I/DEBUG (1064):  ip fffd2bec sp be89f500 lr 400ee9e9 pc 400eb086 cpsr 60000030 
I/DEBUG (1064):  d0 2f616964656d2f66 d1 6567617473626961 
I/DEBUG (1064):  d2 4d2f746867697269 d3 727478453447456c 


D/TI_Video_Decoder(1068): VIDDEC_InitDSP_H264Dec():7191 LCML_InitMMCodec Failed!...80001009 


D/TIOMX_CORE(1723): Found component OMX.TI.Video.Decoder with refCount 0 
I/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): TI Video Decoder 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): OMX_ComponentInit():377 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():832 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():836 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():839 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():842 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():851 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():880 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():918 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():928 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():937 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():945 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():950 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():957 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():963 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():981 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():999 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():1007 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():1046 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():1083 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Load_Defaults():1136 INIT_STRUCT Major 0x1 Minor 0x0 nRevision 0x0 nStep 0x0 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Start_ComponentThread():1423 +++ENTERING 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Start_ComponentThread():1486 ---EXITING(0x0) 
I/OMXCodec(1723): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] AVC profile = 100 (High), level = 31 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_GetParameter():964 eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_GetParameter():970 eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_SetParameter():1257 eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_SetParameter():1346 Set i/p size: 1280x544 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_SetParameter():1356 Set OUT/p size: 1280x544 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_SetParameter():1346 Set i/p size: 1280x544 
I/OMXCodec(1723): [OMX.TI.Video.Decoder] video dimensions are 1280 x 544 
E/OMXNodeInstance(1723): OMX_GetExtensionIndex failed 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Stop_ComponentThread():1514 +++ENTERING 
D/TI_Video_Decoder(1723): VIDDEC_Stop_ComponentThread():1681 ---EXITING(0x0) 
D/TIOMX_CORE(1723): Found matching pHandle(0x40b14d00) at index 0 with refCount 1 
E/MediaPlayer(1696): error (1, -2147483648) 
E/MediaPlayer(1696): Error (1,-2147483648) 
D/VideoView(1696): Error: 1,-2147483648 

我試着用#dspexec -v

說完看着libdspbridge的代碼,它會打開設備文件/ dev/DSPLINK和emumerates設備[我不知道它是做什麼] , 但由於將ioctl發送到設備,因此emumeration失敗。








我在過去幾年沒有嘗試過TI板卡。從「OMX」層報告的錯誤,即0x80001009屬於硬件錯誤,可以從http://androidxref.com/4.4.2_r2/xref/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax/OMX_Core.h#中看到。 176。請嘗試檢查是否有實用程序來驗證底層硬件驅動程序是否正常工作。 – Ganesh



當然,這個錯誤是由你將/ dev/dsplink鏈接到/ dev/DspBridge引起的。在這種情況下,Dsplink是錯誤的驅動程序。您需要從內核的臨時區域構建DspBridge,添加掛鉤以使用正確的baseimage.dof文件在init.rc中加載​​驅動程序,然後重試。
