2016-08-19 61 views

我是Excel VBA的全新用戶,並且正在通過反覆試驗和在Stack Overflow上花費幾個小時來學習。我花了幾個小時尋找一個解決方案(仍然想出如何最好的谷歌VBA的問題...),但沒有找到一個我能理解,所以任何幫助或方向現有的線程將最受讚賞。Excel VBA - 使用複製的公式在指定範圍中插入新行中輸入用戶窗體數據


Sheets("Budget Input").Range("ContractInputField") 

是,在這一刻,是A50:E50。 F50:V50包含需要通過我的範圍所具有的行數的公式。


  • 一個新行到現有的範圍內被插入(內「ContractInputField」,該範圍的和上述其他的最後一個條目下面行不在範圍內,並且已經有珍貴的內容)
  • 新行復制上面行中存在的公式(當前行50,但會增長到51與第一個「好」,然後51與第二個「 OK「等)
  • 要輸入到新行中的用戶表單數據


Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 
Dim J As Long 

Sheets("Budget Input").Activate 

Do While IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(J, 0)) = False 
    J = J + 1 

ActiveCell.Offset(J, 0).Value = Me.txtContractorName.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 1).Value = Me.txtContractPurpose.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 2).Value = Me.txtFlatRate.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 3).Value = Me.txtContractHourlyRate.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 4).Value = Me.txtContractHours.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 16).Value = Me.ContractYear2.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 17).Value = Me.ContractYear3.Value 
ActiveCell.Offset(J, 18).Value = Me.ContractYear4.Value 

'Clear boxes before next round of entry 
Dim ctl As Control 

For Each ctl In Me.Controls 
    If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(ctl) = "ComboBox" Then 
     ctl.Value = " " 
    ElseIf TypeName(ctl) = "CheckBox" Then 
     ctl.Value = False 
    End If 

Next ctl 

End Sub 





Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 
    Dim J As Long 
    Dim c As Long 

    With Sheets("Budget Input") 
     J = .Range("ContractInputLine1").Row 
     c = .Range("ContractInputLine1").Column 

     Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(J, c)) 
      J = J + 1 

     'Insert a new row for the new data, to ensure we don't start writing 
     ' beyond the end of the ContractInputField range. (Assumption is 
     ' that there is already at least 1 blank row included at the end of 
     ' ContractInputField or else even this won't stop the range being 
     ' exceeded.) 

     'Copy values, formulae, and formats from the previous row 

     'Replace values with values from the form  
     .Cells(J, c + 0).Value = Me.txtContractorName.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 1).Value = Me.txtContractPurpose.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 2).Value = Me.txtFlatRate.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 3).Value = Me.txtContractHourlyRate.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 4).Value = Me.txtContractHours.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 16).Value = Me.ContractYear2.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 17).Value = Me.ContractYear3.Value 
     .Cells(J, c + 18).Value = Me.ContractYear4.Value 
    End With 

    'Clear boxes before next round of entry 
    Dim ctl As Control 

    For Each ctl In Me.Controls 
     If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(ctl) = "ComboBox" Then 
      ctl.Value = " " 
     ElseIf TypeName(ctl) = "CheckBox" Then 
      ctl.Value = False 
     End If 

    Next ctl 

End Sub 


1)你會發現我得到了在代碼擺脫ActiveCell的。這只是我個人的偏好 - 我不喜歡激活或選擇東西,除非我絕對必須 - 如果您覺得有必要,請將其改回。

2)在擺脫ActiveCell的,我必須包括一個可變c以防萬一ContractInputLine1沒有在列A如果它開始在A列,c可以只用1到處取代,c + 2,例如,由3取代。


這很適合我的目的。非常感謝您的明確解釋!現在只是好奇 - 是否有一種簡單的方法可以將一行插入到一個範圍內,而不會在範圍的末尾留空行? – Hummuston


@Hummuston - 我沒有用編程的方式設置範圍,也沒有做很多工作,但是你可以通過說'ActiveWorkbook.Names(「ContractInputField」)來擴展**當前範圍。RefersTo =「='預算輸入'!$ A50:$ E「&(J + 1)'。您的問題顯示當前範圍只有一行,因此您可能希望**用'ActiveWorkbook.Names(「ContractInputField」)替換**範圍。RefersTo =「='預算輸入'!$ A」&( J + 1)&「:$ E」&(J + 1)'。 – YowE3K
