2016-11-18 64 views


array1(0)="Peter"  array2(0)="EN" 
array1(1)="John"  array2(1)="US" 
array1(2)="Sandra" array2(2)="FR" 
array1(3)="Margot" array2(3)="DE" 



Dim name(0 To 9) As String 

array1(0) = "Peter" 
array1(1) = "John" 
array1(2) = "Sandra" 
array1(3) = "Margot" 

Dim county(0 To 9) 

county(0) = "EN" 
county(1) = "US" 
county(2) = "FR" 
county(3) = "DE" 

'Dim ArrayCounter 
ArrayCounter = 0 

Dim VarArray(9999) 

For i = 0 To 9 
    If county(i) = "DE" Then 
     'ArrayCounter = ArrayCounter + 1 
     'MsgBox (array1(i)) 

     VarArray(ArrayCounter) = i 
     ArrayCounter = ArrayCounter + 1 

    End If 
Next i 

MsgBox (UBound(VarArray)) 


array3(0)=2 'position of FR in my second array 

「它不工作就像我想要的」不是很有幫助。究竟是什麼問題?你說你想'array3(0)= 2',但在你的代碼中你使用'varArray'並搜索''de「'所以它應該是'varArray(0)= 3'? – arcadeprecinct


@arcadeprecinct,我在描述中改變了它。我得到一個陣列白空扇區,我只想要不空的扇區。 – ManInTheMiddle


你是什麼意思的「空白部門」?由於你的代碼現在,'varArray'應該保持爲空,因爲'「de」'不同於'「DE」' – arcadeprecinct



您可以在0 To 9999陣列擺脫空值由redimming它:

If ArrayCounter > 0 Then 
    ReDim Preserve varArray(0 to ArrayCounter - 1) 'Preserve is important because otherwise it will delete the values 
    'do what you want to do if no match was found 
End If 


Sub main() 

    Dim names(0 To 9) As String 
    names(0) = "Peter" 
    names(1) = "John" 
    names(2) = "Sandra" 
    names(3) = "Margot" 

    Dim county(0 To 9) As String 
    county(0) = "EN" 
    county(1) = "US" 
    county(2) = "FR" 
    county(3) = "DE" 

    Dim ArrayCounter As Long 
    ArrayCounter = 0 

    Dim foundArray As Variant 
    foundArray = county '<--| "copy" the 'county' array into 'foundArray', since this latter won't be bigger than the former 

    Dim iFound As Long, iCounty As Long 
    iFound = -1 
    For iCounty = LBound(county) To UBound(county) 
     If county(iCounty) = "DE" Then 
      iFound = iFound + 1 '<-- update the 'foundArray' current counter 
      foundArray(iFound) = iCounty '<-- update the 'foundArray' current counter content 
     End If 
    Next iCounty 
    If iFound >= 0 Then 
     ReDim Preserve foundArray(0 To iFound) '<--| if any values have been found, resize 'foundArray' up to the found items counter 
     Erase foundArray '<--| otherwise erase it 
    End If 
End Sub