2017-04-18 70 views


NAME: joe 
ACTION: running 
NAME: paul 
ACTION: walking 
ACTION: swimming 
NAME: mary 
NAME: joe 
ACTION: sleeping 
NAME: paul 
NAME: mary 
NAME: ken 
ACTION: jumping 
ACTION: running 
ACTION: eating 


    「name」: joe, 
    「action」 : running 

    「name: paul, 
    「action」 : walking swimming 

    「name: mary joe, 
    「action」 : sleeping 

    「name: paul mary ken, 
    「action」 : jumping running eating 

到目前爲止,我已經使用嘗試簡單的循環來逐行遍歷文本文件,檢查一行是否包含NAME或AC TION,但我無法弄清楚連接並將值推入數組的邏輯,而不會陷入困境。我正在學習JavaScript,並且可以真正使用一點幫助來解決這個問題,在此先感謝。


遍歷文本文件,並假設你有一個總名稱行。如果它是真的,你可以在名爲name的變量中連接一個字符串。如果不是,則創建另一個存儲該操作的變量,創建一個新對象,插入對象名稱和操作變量,將該對象推入該數組中,並將名稱變量恢復爲空。希望它有幫助 – FFdeveloper


編輯:在該算法中,找到一個操作行後,您必須假設下一個操作仍然是一個操作並將其存儲在一個變量中。如果它不是一個動作,則必須將一個新對象插入數組並重新初始化用於存儲名稱和動作的變量 – FFdeveloper




var lines = `NAME: joe 
ACTION: running 
NAME: paul 
ACTION: walking 
ACTION: swimming 
NAME: mary 
NAME: joe 
ACTION: sleeping 
NAME: paul 
NAME: mary 
NAME: ken 
ACTION: jumping 
ACTION: running 
ACTION: eating` 

var entries = []; 
var current = null; 
lines.split("\n").forEach(function(entry) { 

    if (entry.indexOf('NAME:') > -1) { 

     var name = entry.substring(6); 

     // if the current instance hasn't been set yet, 
     // or there is already a value present, start a new object. 
     if (!current || current.action) { 
     current = { name: name, action: null }; 

     // append the new name the current name list 
     current.name = `${current.name} ${name}`; 

    // append the new action to the current action list. 
    // if action is null, just set the action as its initial value. 
    var action = entry.substring(8); 
    current.action = !current.action ? action : `${current.action} ${action}`; 


這對我來說非常合適,謝謝! – JensB


順便說一下,''{current.name} $ {name}'',他們做了什麼或意味着什麼?我試着用普通的引號輸入它,但是這不起作用... – JensB


@JensB它被稱爲「模板文字」。 ES6中的許多重要新功能之一。這裏有更多關於它的細節https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals –



var text = `NAME: joe 
ACTION: running 
NAME: paul 
ACTION: walking 
ACTION: swimming 
NAME: mary 
NAME: joe 
ACTION: sleeping 
NAME: paul 
NAME: mary 
NAME: ken 
ACTION: jumping 
ACTION: running 
ACTION: eating` 

// split the text in to an array of lines 
var lines = text.split("\n") 

var data = [] // the final mapped data 
var person = null // the person object to add actions to 

// loop through each line 
    // split the line into a key (NAME or ACTION) and the value 
    var vals = line.split(': ') 
    var key = vals[0] 
    var val = vals[1] 

    // if this line is for a new name, make a new "person" 
    if(key == 'NAME'){ 
    // save the current person to the final data 
    if(person) data.push(person) 
    // then create a new one 
    person = {name: val, actions: ''} 
    // add the action to the current person (if there is one) 
    }else if(person){ 
    person.actions += val 




我剛剛注意到這與您所需的輸出不完全匹配,但也許您可以從此處計算出它? –



獲取最大陣列.length使用Math.max()設置爲for循環的最大迭代次數。 .push()新陣列對象;如果元素不在.length的數組索引處,請將空字符串""設置爲屬性的值。

var text = `NAME: joe 
ACTION: running 
NAME: paul 
ACTION: walking 
ACTION: swimming 
NAME: mary 
NAME: joe 
ACTION: sleeping 
NAME: paul 
NAME: mary 
NAME: ken 
ACTION: jumping 
ACTION: running 
ACTION: eating`; 

var [res, ...[names, actions]] = [[] 
           , text.match(/NAME.+(?=\s\n)/g) 
           , text.match(/ACTION.+(?=\s\n)/g) 
           ].map(function(arr) { 
            return arr.map(function(value) { 
             return value.replace(/^[A-Z:\s]+/, "") 

for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(names.length, actions.length); i++) { 
    res.push({name:names[i] || "", action: actions[i] || ""}) 
