2016-11-26 124 views


  1. 如何使它只接受0和1在輸入和忽略其餘的數字和字母?
  2. 轉換過程後,我得到錯誤的十六進制數。我做錯了什麼?







.STACK 1000h 

    title db 'Convert BIN to HEX:.',13,10,'$' 
    HEX_Map DB '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' 
    HEX_Out DB "00", 13, 10, '$' ; string with line feed and '$'-terminator 


main PROC 
    mov ax, @DATA     ; Initialize DS 
    mov ds, ax 

    mov ah, 0         
    mov al, 3    ;clearing             
    int 10h                 

    mov ah, 9                 
    lea dx, title               
    int 21h  ;displays title 

    mov dx, 0 

    mov cx, 16 ;loop goes 16 Times because I need 16 bit binary input 
    mov bx, 0 

;here I'm checking if input numer is 0 or 1, but it doesn't work as I want  
    mov ah, 10h                 
    int 16h       

    cmp al, '0'                 
    jb read                   

    cmp al, '1'                
    ja read10 

    mov ah, 0eh                 
    int 10h                  
    sub al, 48 ;conversion, sub 48 from ascii since 0 is on 48th place in ascii, but I'm not sure if this part is must to be or not      

    jmp end_loop 

    mov ah, 0  ;ah=0 so we can add ax to bx   
    add bx, ax    

    loop read   
    push bx       ;here I push bx on stack, bx is as my input number           

    mov al, 13 
    mov ah, 0eh 
    int 10h 

    mov al, 10 
    mov ah, 0eh 
    int 10h 

    mov di, OFFSET HEX_Out   ; First argument: pointer 
    pop bx       ;Here I take input number from stack 
    mov ax, bx 
    call IntegerToHexFromMap  ; Call with arguments 
    mov ah, 09h      ; Int 21h/09h: Write string to STDOUT 
    mov dx, OFFSET HEX_Out   ; Pointer to '$'-terminated string 
    int 21h       ; Call MS-DOS 

    mov ah, 10h                 
    int 16h 

    mov ax, 4C00h     ; Int 21h/4Ch: Terminate program (Exit code = 00h) 
    int 21h       ; Call MS-DOS 
main ENDP 

IntegerToHexFromMap PROC 
    mov si, OFFSET Hex_Map   ; Pointer to hex-character table 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    and bx, 00FFh     ; Clear BH (just to be on the safe side) 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    mov dl, [si+bx]     ; Read hex-character from the table 
    mov [di+0], dl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    and bx, 00FFh     ; Clear BH (just to be on the safe side) 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    mov dl, [si+bx]     ; Read hex-character from the table 
    mov [di+1], dl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    and bx, 00FFh     ; Clear BH (just to be on the safe side) 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1 
    shr bx, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    mov dl, [si+bx]     ; Read hex-character from the table 
    mov [di+2], dl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX (just to be on the safe side) 
    and bx, 00FFh     ; Clear BH (just to be on the safe side) 
    and bl, 0Fh      ; Isolate low nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    mov dl, [si+bx]     ; Read hex-character from the table 
    mov [di+3], dl     ; Store character at the second place in the output string 

IntegerToHexFromMap ENDP 

IntegerToHexCalculated PROC 
    mov si, OFFSET Hex_Map   ; Pointer to hex-character table 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    cmp bl, 10      ; Hex 'A'-'F'? 
    jl .1       ; No: skip next line 
    add bl, 7      ; Yes: adjust number for ASCII conversion 
    add bl, 30h      ; Convert to ASCII character 
    mov [di+0], bl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    cmp bl, 10      ; Hex 'A'-'F'? 
    jl .2       ; No: skip next line 
    add bl, 7      ; Yes: adjust number for ASCII conversion 
    add bl, 30h      ; Convert to ASCII character 
    mov [di+1], bl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1 
    shr bl, 1      ; Isolate high nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    cmp bl, 10      ; Hex 'A'-'F'? 
    jl .3       ; No: skip next line 
    add bl, 7      ; Yes: adjust number for ASCII conversion 
    add bl, 30h      ; Convert to ASCII character 
    mov [di+2], bl     ; Store character at the first place in the output string 

    mov bx, ax      ; BX = argument AX (just to be on the safe side) 
    and bl, 0Fh      ; Isolate low nibble (i.e. 4 bits) 
    cmp bl, 10      ; Hex 'A'-'F'? 
    jl .4       ; No: skip next line 
    add bl, 7      ; Yes: adjust number for ASCII conversion 
    add bl, 30h      ; Convert to ASCII character 
    mov [di+3], bl     ; Store character at the second place in the output string 

IntegerToHexCalculated ENDP 

END main       ; End of assembly with entry-procedure 

我看到你已經檢查了'0'和'1' - 那不行,那麼?此外,請[編輯]你的問題,並提供一個輸入,預期輸出和當前輸出的例子。 – usr2564301


@RadLexus我剛剛編輯。不,它不工作。當我將字母和其他數字作爲輸入時,它允許它,並且我不知道如何讓它只允許0和1. – Anna


您可以在每個中斷調用旁邊添加註釋,詳細說明它的功能嗎?自從我認識他們以來已經有一段時間了。順便說一句,代碼的下半部分有很好的評論。 – usr2564301



當你收集到的比特bx不能使用int 10h (0e)的焦炭產量。 int調用要求bl設置爲文本的前景色,bh指向文本頁面。


因此,要解決您的輸入部分我會去int 21h, 2,而不是用於顯示的字符,像這樣的(也修正結果的bx積累):

; read 16 bits from keyboard ('0'/'1' characters accepted only) 
    mov cx, 16 ; loop goes 16 Times because I need 16 bit binary input 
    xor bx, bx ; result number (initialized to zero) 

    mov ah, 10h 
    int 16h  ; read character from keyboard 

    cmp al, '0' 
    jb read  ; ASCII character below '0' -> re-read it 

    cmp al, '1' 
    ja read  ; ASCII character above '1' -> re-read it 

    mov dl,al ; keep ASCII for output in DL 

    shr al,1 ; turn ASCII '0'(0x30)/'1'(0x31) into CF=0/1 (Carry Flag) 
    rcl bx,1 ; enrol that CF into result from right (and shift previous bits up) 

    mov ah,2 ; output character in DL on screen 
    int 21h 

    loop read ; read 16 bits 




如果您將提前在原代碼的add bx,ax的例子把斷點,你應該能夠在調試器讀取(打「1」鍵和調試器上破add後):

ax爲1 (根據按鍵),並且bx從0變爲「1」按鍵的次數(在進一步的迭代中)。


在您的情況下,例如在add之前添加指令shl bx,1可以解決這種情況(將舊位移動一個位置「向上」,將最低有效位設置爲零,即「準備添加ax」)。






1010 1011 1100 1101 (unsigned decimal 43981) 


A B C D  (10, 11, 12, 13) 


所以你想要的是將原來的16b值分成四個4位數,從最高有效位到最低有效位(b12-b15,b8-b11,b4-b7,b0-b3 => 16位的特定位編號:「b15 b14 b13 ... b2 b1 b0」)。

每一個這樣的號碼將是值0-15(因爲他們是4位,並使用所有可能的組合),這樣的話你想將其轉換成ASCII字符'0' - '9'爲值0-9和'A' - 值爲10-15的'F'





HEX_Out DB "00", 13, 10, '$' 

這編譯爲字節:'0', '0', 13, 10, '$'(或30 30 0D 0A 24爲十六進制字節觀察時)。

如果您在上面寫上'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',您能發現問題嗎?


現在關於IntegerToHexFromMap,從代碼它看起來像你有什麼不明白andshr不(搜索bitwise operations explanation)。

提取前三個字符與bx (copy of ax)相同的b4-b7位,然後爲第四個字母提取位b0-b3。所以這是你試圖將8位轉換代碼擴展到16位,但是你不提取正確的位。


; bx = 16 bit value, mark each bit as "a#" from a0 to a15 
    and bx, 00FFh 
; the original: a15 a14 a13 ... a2 a1 a0 bits get 
; AND-ed by:  0 0 0 ... 1 1 1 
; resulting into bx = "a7 to a0 remains, rest is cleared to 0" 
    shr bx, 1 
; shifts bx to right by one bit, inserting 0 into top bit 
; bx = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 (a0 is in CF) 
    shr bx, 1 
; shifts it further 
; bx = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 (a1 is in CF) 
    shr bx, 1 
; bx = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 (a2 ...) 
    shr bx, 1 
; bx = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a7 a6 a5 a4 

; so if bx was value 0x1234 at the beginning, now bx = 0x0003 

; conversion to ASCII and write is OK. 


位通常由至少顯著命名(值2 = 1,所以我稱之爲「B0」)到最顯著(值2 = 32768以16比特數的情況下,我稱之爲「 B15" )。


轉移到右單元來移動b_iB_(I-1),這有效地減半它的價值,所以shr value,1也可以由兩個被視爲無符號除法。

移位到左邊是從b_iB_第(i + 1),有效地乘以2的值(指令shlsal,都產生相同的結果,作爲b0被設置爲零以兩者)。


自從80286 CPU可以使用shr bx,4(它也可以被看作除以16 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2)。你真的被迫爲8086編碼?那麼它可能是值得加載cl與4和做shr bx,cl,而不是四個shr bx,1。這讓我非常惱火,有四條相同的路線。


and bx, 00FFh ; why not 0Fh already here??? 
    and bl, 0Fh 


最終我會告訴你如何重寫它,使代碼非常短,我的意思是源代碼,但也是二進制大小。 (對於性能我會編寫不同的代碼,而不是8086,但這個應該在8086上工作):

警告 - 嘗試通過上述建議自行修復您的版本。只有當你有固定的版本,然後看看我的代碼,作爲一個新想法的靈感,如何寫一些事情是在30年前寫的。另外,如果你正在做學校派遣,請確保你可以從頭說一切關於XLAT的指令,因爲作爲一個講師,我會對使用這一個的任何學生高度懷疑,這是完全的歷史,因爲編譯器不使用它,這是顯而易見的該代碼是由人類編寫的,可能是經驗豐富的。

IntegerToHexFromMap PROC 
    ; ax = number to convert, di = string buffer to write to 
    ; modifies: ax, bx, cx, dx, di 

    ; copy of number to convert (AX will be used for calculation) 
    mov dx, ax 
    ; initialize other helpful values before loop 
    mov bx, OFFSET HEX_Map ; Pointer to hex-character table 
    mov cx, 00404h   ; for rotation of bits and loop counter 
     ; cl = 4, ch = 4 (!) Hexadecimal format allows me 
     ; to position the two "4" easily in single 16b value. 

FourDigitLoop: ; I will do every digit with same code, in a loop 
    ; move next nibble (= hexa digit) in DX into b0-b3 position 
    rol dx, cl 
    ; copy DX b0-b3 into AL, clear other bits (AL = value 0-15) 
    mov al, dl 
    and al, 0Fh 
    ; convert 0-15 in AL into ASCII char by special 8086 instruction 
    ; designed to do exactly this task (ignored by C/C++ compilers :)) 
    ; write it into string, and move string pointer to next char 
    mov [di],al 
    inc di 
    ; loop trough 4 digits (16 bits) 
    dec ch 
    jnz FourDigitLoop 

IntegerToHexFromMap ENDP 



謝謝你這麼多東西!這真的幫助了我,現在我明白了更多的它是如何工作的。 我知道你說第二部分是要重寫,但是你還能幫助mi嗎?我想在循環中進行轉換,所以它會重複4次,因爲二進制數字是16位,但我不知道如何開始 – Anna


@關於「如何開始」,安娜回答了延長的問題,你首先用人類語言寫作,然後嘗試將它一點一點地寫入簡單的si中mpler步驟,直到它們開始類似於簡單的計算步驟。循環4次? 「1)counter = 4,2)label:3)遞減計數器,當不爲零時跳轉到標籤」 - >準備從中寫入代碼。「第2部分」答案的第一部分顯示瞭如何將英語中的「16位轉換爲4位4位」。 ...還有**請繼續嘗試在調試器**中運行所有內容並探索它的部件,這樣您就可以觀看CPU,哪條指令會改變什麼。 – Ped7g


@安娜,並開始使用指令參考指南閱讀有關每條指令,它做了什麼。如何發現,爲什麼「這條指令產生了不同於我預期的結果,WTF?」是最簡單的方法。 (我使用谷歌與'「x86指令名稱」指令「搜索字符串,然後尋找與熟悉的域名,如」renejeschke「和其他幾個網站)。 – Ped7g
