2016-11-19 35 views


public class LengthViewModel 
    public int Length { get; set; } 
    public string Category { get; set; } 

public class SlopeViewModel 
    public int Slope { get; set; } 
    public string Category { get; set; } 

public class RatingViewModel 
    public double Rating { get; set; } 
    public string Category { get; set; } 


public ObservableCollection<LengthViewModel> Lengths { get; set; } 
public ObservableCollection<SlopeViewModel> Slopes { get; set; } 
public ObservableCollection<RatingViewModel> Ratings { get; set; } 


public ObservableCollection<LengthSlopeRatingViewModel> Aggregate { get; set; } 

public class LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
    public string Category { get; set; } 
    public int Length { get; set; } 
    public int Slope { get; set; } 
    public double Rating { get; set;} 


var lengths = Lengths.Select(p => new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
    Category = p.Category, 
    Length = p.Length 

var slopes = Slopes.Select(p => new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
    Category = p.Category, 
    Slope = p.Slope 

var ratings = Ratings.Select(p => new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
    Category = p.Category, 
    Rating = p.Rating 

// Concat and group them, then select new type again with the properties? 
CourseRatings = lengths.Concat(slopes) 
    .GroupBy(p => p.Category) 
    .Select(g => g.ToList()) 

例如,如果您有長度,坡度和評級,Category = "Black"Category = "Blue"另一個實例的實例,我應該得到LengthSlopeRatingViewModel的兩個實例,一個與Category = "Black"和第一場比賽的相應值和一個與Category = "Blue"


不應該'選擇'後'GroupBy'是'SelectMany'? – KMoussa


在提出問題時,請花更多的努力來設置代碼的格式 - 不需要將其大部分縮小到正確的位置。我這次編輯了這個問題。這聽起來像你真正想要的是幾個連接,說實話......你應該也說出你想要發生什麼,如果這個類別只在一個或兩個原始集合中。 –


我承認它需要更多的工作來解決這個問題,現在我看到了這個連接,我被卡住了一點,感謝編輯:-) –



通過一個共同標準組合多個列表可以使用join s完成。


Aggregate = new ObservableCollection<LengthSlopeRatingViewModel>(
    from l in Lengths 
    join s in Slopes on l.Category equals s.Category 
    join r in Ratings on s.Category equals r.Category 
    select new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel { 
     Category = l.Category, 
     Length = l.Length, 
     Slope = s.Slope, 
     Rating = r.Rating 


Aggregate = new ObservableCollection<LengthSlopeRatingViewModel>(
    from l in Lengths 
    join s in Slopes on l.Category equals s.Category 
    join r in Ratings on s.Category equals r.Category into ratings 
    from r in ratings.DefaultIfEmpty() 
    select new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel { 
     Category = l.Category, 
     Length = l.Length, 
     Slope = s.Slope, 
     Rating = r?.Rating ?? 0 


Aggregate = new ObservableCollection<LengthSlopeRatingViewModel>(
    .Join(Slopes, _ => _.Category, _ => _.Category, 
     (l, s) => new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
      { Category = l.Category, Length = l.Length, Slope = s.Slope }) 
    .Join(Ratings, _ => _.Category, _ => _.Category, 
     (ls, r) => { ls.Rating = r.Rating; return ls; })); 


var categories = 
    Lengths.Select(_ => _.Category).Concat(
    Slopes.Select(_ => _.Category)).Concat(
    Ratings.Select(_ => _.Category)) 

Aggregate = new ObservableCollection<LengthSlopeRatingViewModel>(
    from c in categories 
    join l in Lengths on c equals l.Category into lengths 
    from l in lengths.DefaultIfEmpty() 
    join s in Slopes on c equals s.Category into slopes 
    from s in slopes.DefaultIfEmpty() 
    join r in Ratings on c equals r.Category into ratings 
    from r in ratings.DefaultIfEmpty() 
    select new LengthSlopeRatingViewModel 
     Category = c, 
     Length = l?.Length ?? 0, // or any other default 
     Slope = s?.Slope ?? 0, 
     Rating = r?.Rating ?? 0 

感謝您的詳細解答,正是我需要的! –
