2016-12-01 23 views

給定一個一元數字(0 = 1,1 = 11,2 = 111,3 = 1111,...),在其後留下一個空白符號,並寫入相同數字的二進制表示(0 = 0, 1 = 1,2 = 10,3 = 11,4 = 100,...)。以相反的順序寫入數字是可以接受的(不是必需的)。完成後,TM應切換到接受狀態。不需要驗證輸入,假設輸入是100%一個一元數字,並且磁帶上沒有其他東西寫入。一元可以用在圖靈機嗎?


這裏有一個提示:如果你有一臺機器,可以添加1〜寫成二進制現有的號碼,那麼你只需要加1本身的適當次數。 – Welbog





Q T Q' T' d 
q0 1 q0 1  R // scan right to first blank space 
q0 # q1 #  R // after unary. then, write a 0 
q1 # q2 0  L // to start the binary. 

q2 # q3 #  L // scan left past any binary data 
q2 0 q2 0  L // to get to the blank separating 
q2 1 q2 1  L // unary and binary 

q3 # hA #  R // scan left for another unary 
q3 0 q3 0  L // digit, ignoring ones that have 
q3 1 q4 0  R // been processed. if done, halt. 

q4 # q5 #  R // scan right to the blank separating 
q4 0 q4 0  R // unary and binary 

q5 # q2 1  L // add one to the binary representation 
q5 0 q2 1  L // by toggling bits until you toggle a 
q5 1 q5 0  R // zero to a one, completing the addition 


#111#### => #111#### => #111#### => #111#### => (next line) 
^q0   ^q0   ^q0   ^q0 

#111#### => #111#0## => #111#0## => #110#0## => (next line) 
    ^q1   ^q2   ^q3   ^q4 

#110#0## => #110#1## => #110#1## => #110#1## => (next line) 
    ^q5   ^q2   ^q3   ^q3 

#100#1## => #100#1## => #100#1## => #100#0## => (next line) 
    ^q4   ^q4   ^q5   ^q5 

#100#01# => #100#01# => #100#01# => #100#01# => (next line) 
    ^q2   ^q2   ^q3   ^q3 

#100#01# => #000#01# => #000#01# => #000#01# => (next line) 
^q3   ^q4   ^q4   ^q4 

#000#01# => #000#11# => #000#11# => #000#11# => (next line) 
    ^q5   ^q2   ^q3   ^q3 

#000#11# => #000#11# => #000#11# 
^q3   ^q3   ^hA