- (NSInvocation*) invocationWithSelector:(SEL)selector {
//creates an NSInvocation for the given selector
NSMethodSignature* sig = [self methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
NSInvocation* call = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:sig];
[call retainArguments];
call.target = self;
call.selector = selector;
return call;
- (void) runInvocationOnContextThread:(NSInvocation*)invocation {
//performs an NSInvocation on the thread associated with this context
NSThread* currentThread = [NSThread currentThread];
if (currentThread != myThread) {
//call over to the correct thread
[self performSelector:@selector(runInvocationOnContextThread:) onThread:myThread withObject:invocation waitUntilDone:YES];
else {
//we're okay to invoke the target now
[invocation invoke];
- (id) runInvocationReturningObject:(NSInvocation*) call {
//returns object types only
[self runInvocationOnContextThread:call];
//now grab the return value
__unsafe_unretained id result = nil;
[call getReturnValue:&result];
return result;
- (NSArray*) executeFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {
//if we're on the context thread, we can directly call the superclass
if ([NSThread currentThread] == myThread) {
return [super executeFetchRequest:request error:error];
//if we get here, we need to remap the invocation back to the context thread
@synchronized(self) {
//execute the call on the correct thread for this context
NSInvocation* call = [self invocationWithSelector:@selector(executeFetchRequest:error:) andArg:request];
[call setArgument:&error atIndex:3];
return [self runInvocationReturningObject:call];
- (void) testContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*) context {
while (true) {
if (arc4random() % 2 == 0) {
MyEntity* obj = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"MyEntity" inManagedObjectContext:context];
obj.someNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1.0];
obj.anotherNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1.0];
obj.aString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", arc4random()];
[context refreshObject:obj mergeChanges:YES];
[context save:nil];
else {
NSArray* others = [context fetchObjectsForEntityName:@"MyEntity"];
if ([others lastObject]) {
MyEntity* target = [others lastObject];
[context deleteObject:target];
[context save:nil];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1];
的問題是,調用obj.<field> = <value>;
問題是您在不同於上下文的線程上操作屬性,因此可能與該上下文中的其他操作(包括保存和刪除)同時操作?您可以嘗試重寫setSomeNumber,setAnotherNumber,setAString以在上下文線程上運行,並查看是否會影響結果。 – paulmelnikow
是的,似乎已經穩定它。所以現在的問題是,我該如何創建一個動態注入線程安全屬性設置器實現的NSManagedObject子類? – aroth
我得到了setter注入的東西工作。它比'NSManagedObjectContext'更改更令人費解。但重要的是它的工作原理。如果有人有興趣,我會分享相關部分的代碼。 – aroth