突然,當我今天開幕的Visual Studio 2008的解決方案,並試圖重建所有,我得到了以下錯誤:「消息」任務未找到
The "Message" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "D:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5" directory
應該有visual studio的配置屬性,您可以選中您構建的項目旁邊的複選框。也許這可以幫助 –
它們是MsBuild錯誤,在.SLN或.CSPROJ文件中出現錯誤。 –
我發現只是清理解決方案/項目,然後重建會使其消失。儘管如此。 –