AdViewController *adController;
UINavigationController *navController;
UIViewController *containerView;
//.m file didFinishLaunching...
//views and controllers already initialized
containerView.view.frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds];
[containerView.view addSubview self.adController.view];
[containerView.view addSubview self.navController.view];
//hard coded frame for an ADBannerView (loaded in .xib)
CGRect bannerFrame = self.adController.view.frame;
//sets the start point vertically by subtracting the
//banner height from the total height of the screen
//in this case, 480 - 50
bannerFrame.origin.y = [[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds].size.height - bannerFrame.size.height;
self.adController.view.frame = bannerFrame;
//returns a rectangle that takes the 20 px status bar into account
//this rectangle's y origin is at 20
CGRect appFrame = [[UIScreen mainScreen]applicationFrame];
//This CGRect is assuming the applicationFrame
CGRect navFrame = appFrame;
//subtract the banner height from the navFrame height
//takes 50 px off of the height
navFrame.size.height = navFrame.size.height - bannerFrame.size.height;
self.navController.view.frame = navFrame;