2014-09-26 51 views

我創建了一個小的二叉樹「庫」,但tDelete在某些情況下運行不正常。我在簡單的樹上測試了它,它工作正常,但在這種特殊情況下,它會導致將重複節點添加到樹中。 這似乎是因爲對tDelete的遞歸調用找不到fMin值。它必須是可以找到的,或者它只是返回原始樹,而不是刪除原始目標值,但不是它的替代原始值。我的二叉樹的刪除功能偶爾會導致重複的條目

主要的程序概述了這個問題。最後打印的目標樹被刪除(992),並且被找到的最小值(993)連續替換,但是在遞歸調用中從未找到/刪除原始最小值(993)(導致兩個993條目)。 我已經通過它,我看不到問題。如果fMin發現993作爲替換,爲什麼第二次調用tDelete找不到(並刪除它)?

我原本以爲這是我的平衡算法搞亂排序,但謝天謝地,我不認爲這是可能的。如果是這樣的話,993從來就不會被發現(而且tMin至少會發現它一次)。 任何有識之士將不勝感激。我正準備嘗試將其製作成Map,但我需要首先解決所有問題。

data Tree a = ETree | Node { leftTreeOf :: Tree a, rightTreeOf :: Tree a, tLoad :: a } 

instance Show s => Show (Tree s) where 
    show = showTree 0 

showTree :: Show s => Int -> Tree s -> String 
showTree depth t = "\n" ++ replicate (depth * 2) '-' ++ case t of 
    ETree   -> "()" 
    (Node lT rT a) -> "(" ++ show a ++ ")" ++ showTree nD lT ++ showTree nD rT 
    where nD = depth + 1 

tInsert :: Ord o => o -> Tree o -> Tree o 
tInsert x ETree = Node ETree ETree x 
tInsert x (Node lT rT a) 
    | x < a = Node (tInsert x lT) rT a 
    | x > a = Node lT (tInsert x rT) a 
    | otherwise = Node lT rT x 

-- Replaces the L/R tree with nT 
replaceL, replaceR :: Ord o => Tree o -> Tree o -> Tree o 
replaceL _ ETree = ETree 
replaceL nT (Node _ rT a) = Node nT rT a 

replaceR _ ETree = ETree 
replaceR nT (Node lT _ a) = Node lT nT a 

-- Folds a list into a tree 
tFromListL, tFromListR :: Ord o => [o] -> Tree o 
tFromListL = foldl (flip tInsert) ETree 
tFromListR = foldr tInsert ETree 

leftRotation, rightRotation :: Ord o => Tree o -> Tree o 
rightRotation ETree = ETree 
rightRotation [email protected](Node lT _ _) = let replaced = replaceL (rightTreeOf lT) t in 
    replaceR replaced lT 

leftRotation ETree = ETree 
leftRotation [email protected](Node _ rT _) = let replaced = replaceR (leftTreeOf rT) t in 
    replaceL replaced rT 

-- Turns a tree into a list 
tToList :: Ord o => Tree o -> [o] 
tToList ETree = [] 
tToList (Node lT rT a) = (tToList lT) ++ [a] ++ (tToList rT) 

-- Splits a list roughly in half (as part of balancing) 
splitInHalf :: [a] -> ([a],[a]) 
splitInHalf xs = splitAt (round $ (fromIntegral $ length xs)/2.0) xs 

-- Returns how unbalanced a node is 
tUnbalancedBy :: Tree a -> Int 
tUnbalancedBy ETree = 0 
tUnbalancedBy (Node lT rT _) = absDiff (tDepth lT) (tDepth rT) 

-- Arranges a list in such a way that it forms a more balanced tree 
balanceList :: [a] -> [a] 
balanceList xs = let (fH,sH) = splitInHalf xs in (reverse fH) ++ sH 

-- "Inefficient balance" 
tIneffBalance :: Ord o => Tree o -> Tree o 
tIneffBalance = tFromListL . balanceList . tToList 

-- Finds the min/max values of a tree 
tMin, tMax :: Ord o => Tree o -> o 
tMin ETree = error "tMin called on an Empty Tree" 
tMin (Node lT _ a) = case lT of 
    ETree   -> a 
    (Node lT' _ _) -> tMin lT' 

tMax ETree = error "tMax called on an Empty Tree" 
tMax (Node _ rT a) = case rT of 
    ETree   -> a 
    (Node _ rT' _) -> tMax rT' 

-- Find the max depth of a tree 
tDepth :: Tree a -> Int 
tDepth ETree = 0 
tDepth (Node lT rT _) = 1 + max (tDepth lT) (tDepth rT) 

-- Finds how many nodes a tree contains 
tSize :: Tree a -> Int 
tSize ETree = 0 
tSize (Node lT rT _) = 1 + (tSize lT) + (tSize rT) 

absDiff :: Int -> Int -> Int 
absDiff x y = abs $ x - y 

exceeds :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> n -> Bool 
exceeds x y = let t = 1 in x >= (y - t) 

isInRangeOf :: (Num n, Ord n) => n -> n -> Bool 
isInRangeOf x y = let t = 1 in 
    x >= (y - t) && x <= (y + t) 

-- Checks if a node is balanced 
tIsBalanced :: Tree a -> Bool 
tIsBalanced ETree = True 
tIsBalanced [email protected](Node lT rT _) = 
    tUnbalancedBy n <= 1 && tIsBalanced lT && tIsBalanced rT 

tBalance :: Ord o => Tree o -> Tree o 
tBalance ETree = ETree 
tBalance [email protected](Node lT rT a) 
    | lD `isInRangeOf` rD = Node (tBalance lT) (tBalance rT) a 
    | lD `exceeds` rD = balanceRest $ rightRotation n 
    | otherwise = balanceRest $ leftRotation n 
     (lD,rD) = (tDepth lT,tDepth rT) 
     balanceRest t = replaceR (tBalance $ rightTreeOf t) $ 
      replaceL (tBalance $ leftTreeOf t) t 

tBalanceNX :: Ord o => Int -> Tree o -> Tree o 
tBalanceNX _ ETree = ETree 
tBalanceNX n t = foldl (\a _-> tBalance a) t [1..n] 

-- Checks if a value is an element of the tree 
tElem :: Ord o => o -> Tree o -> Bool 
tElem x ETree = False 
tElem x (Node lT rT a) 
    | x < a = tElem x lT 
    | x > a = tElem x rT 
    | otherwise = True 

getSubTree :: Ord o => o -> Tree o -> Tree o 
getSubTree _ ETree = ETree 
getSubTree e [email protected](Node lT rT a) 
    | e < a = getSubTree e lT 
    | e > a = getSubTree e rT 
    | otherwise = t 

tDelete :: Ord o => o -> Tree o -> Tree o 
tDelete _ ETree = ETree 
tDelete _ [email protected](Node ETree ETree _) = n -- Or give "Not found" error? 
tDelete tD [email protected](Node lT rT a) 
    | tD < a = Node (tDelete tD lT) rT a 
    | tD > a = Node lT (tDelete tD rT) a 
    | otherwise = case (lT,rT) of 
     (ETree,t) -> t 
     (t,ETree) -> t 
     (t,t')  -> let fMin = tMin t' in Node t (tDelete (fMin) t') fMin 

getErrorTree :: Tree Int 
getErrorTree = getSubTree 992 . tBalanceNX 100 $ tFromListL [1..1000] 

main = do 
    putStrLn "Deleting 992 yields two 993 trees" 
    let errorTree = getErrorTree 
    print errorTree 
    putStrLn $ "993 findable in tree? " ++ show (993 `tElem` errorTree) 
    print $ tDelete 992 errorTree 
    putStrLn "The final tree ends up containing two 993 values; one as the root (intended), and one further down (unintended. It should have been deleted in the last case of the last guard of tDelete)" 

你不需要這個龐大的測試用例;即使'tDelete 1 $ tBalanceNX 1 $ tFromListL [1]'不起作用。考慮在'tDelete _ n @(Node ETree ETree _)= n'情況下會發生什麼。你返回整個樹,但可能是'tD == a'的情況。 – user2407038 2014-09-26 07:30:03


哎呀。邏輯失敗。 – Carcigenicate 2014-09-26 13:52:29




tDelete _ [email protected](Node ETree ETree _) = n -- Or give "Not found" error? 



你和其他人都認爲這是這條線。一旦我完全醒來,我會刪除該行。回想起來,我甚至不知道爲什麼那裏。 – Carcigenicate 2014-09-26 13:50:00


你是對的;謝謝。 – Carcigenicate 2014-09-26 17:52:39