C-M-f Move forward over a balanced expression
C-M-b Move backward over a balanced expression
C-M-k Kill balanced expression forward
C-M-SPC put the mark at the end of the sexp.
C-M-n Move forward over a parenthetical group
C-M-p Move backward over a parenthetical group
;; C-M key binding can also be done by --> ESC Control-key
;;And put this to .emacs, it will highlight opening/closing parens:
(show-paren-mode 1)
[在Emacs匹配括號]的可能的複製(http://stackoverflow.com/q/8627725/1225607) – Francesco 2012-03-23 22:56:43
參見'一章SEXP RET' – phils 2012-03-24 00:46:55
還有很大' paredit'模式,保持圓括號平衡,並允許操縱... – 2012-03-24 09:04:28