set v "this is bob"
set index2 [string length $v]
set index1 [expr $index2 - 3]
set result [string replace $v index1 index2 dog]
puts $result; # I want it to now say "this is dog"
bad index "index1": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer? while executing "string replace $v index1 index2 .hdr" invoked from within "set result [string replace $v index1 index2 .hdr]" (file "string_manipulation.tcl" line 7)
只是爲了好奇,你爲什麼假設最後一個單詞總是3個字母? – Varun
由於我將使用文件擴展名.am,並且我想用.hdr替換它以保存爲不同的輸出。 – elefun