Welcome to the Library! Please make a selection from the menu:
1. View.
2. Show.
Enter a choice: 1
不過,我提出先進入輸入,我看到: 輸入選擇:1 歡迎來到圖書館!請從菜單中選擇: 1.查看。 2.顯示。
import java.util.*;
public class Store {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Store().use();
public void use() {
char choice;
while ((choice = readChoice()) != 'X') {
switch (choice) {
case 1: view(); break;
case 2: show(); break;
default: help(); break;
private char readChoice() {
return In.nextChar();
private String view() {
return "";
private String show() {
return "";
private void help() {
System.out.println("Welcome! Please make a selection from the menu:");
System.out.println("1. View.");
System.out.println("2. Show."); }
也許情況下「1」? –
@Jonasw Nope,那不會編譯。那'1'呢? –
@JonasW感謝您的意見。儘管如此,這並沒有改變。這是我想要改變的順序。 – Alison