printf("Would you like to continue? (1 = Yes, 2 = No) \n");
scanf("%i", _____); While (_____ == 'y' || ______ == 'Y') {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
double totalHours, rate, grossPay, overTime, overTimepay, otHours, grossPaywithOT;
//1. I began by asking user for total hours & getting input
printf("Enter your total hours worked : \n");
scanf("%lf", &totalHours);
//Now I'm using a selection statement to determine pay for overtime hours
if (totalHours > 40) {
//a. Inform user they have overtime hours
printf("You worked over 40 hours this period. \n");
//b. Ask how many hours over 40 they worked
printf("How many hours over 40 did you work? : \n");
scanf("%lf", &otHours);
//c. Ask the user for hourly rate
printf("What is your hourly rate? : \n");
scanf("%lf", &rate);
//d. Overtime Rate Calculation & Gross Pay Calculation
grossPay = totalHours * rate;
overTime = 1.5 * rate;
overTimepay = otHours * overTime;
grossPaywithOT = overTimepay + grossPay;
//e. Display overtime pay and Gross Pay
printf("Your overtime pay is %.02lf \n", overTimepay);
printf("Your total Gross Pay including overtime is %.02lf \n", grossPaywithOT);
} else {
//2. Ask the user for hourly rate
printf("What is your hourly rate? : \n");
//3. User input for hourly rate
scanf("%lf", &rate);
//4. Gross Pay Calculation
grossPay = totalHours * rate;
//5. Display grossPay
printf("Your Gross Pay is %.02lf \n", grossPay);
的printf(「你願意繼續(1 =是的,2 =否)\ n「); scanf(」%i「,_____); while(_____ =='y'|| ______ =='Y'){// logic printf(」您想繼續?(1 =是,2 =否)\ n「); scanf(」%i「,_____);}您需要詢問用戶是否想在循環中再次繼續,否則您將陷入無限循環,希望幫助 – simon1230756