ReportService Code錯誤:休眠無法初始化代理 - 沒有會話
private void generatePaySummary() {
try {
Map params = new HashMap();
params = getOrganizationInfo(params);
params.put("rptsubtitle", "Payroll Date: "+date_formatter.format(tbpaydate.getDate()));
int i = cboDept.getSelectedIndex();
int deptno = 0;
if (i != -1) deptno = (Integer)deptnos.get(i);
ReportService srv = new ReportService();
List empids = srv.getEmployeesInPayroll(deptno, tbpaydate.getDate());
if (!empids.isEmpty()) {
RepGenService repsrv = new RepGenService();
JRBeanCollectionDataSource jbsrc = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(PaySummaryFactory.getPaySummary());
repsrv.generateReport(false, "/orgpayroll/reports/jasper/payrollsummary.jasper", true, params, jbsrc);
SysUtils.messageBox("No employees in payroll on "+date_formatter.format(tbpaydate.getDate())+"!");
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error" + e.getMessage());
I am trying to execute a function which will open a jasper report template.
The function works if it will only process 1 employee from the database, but if I process more with the same date, it says Hibernate could not initialize proxy - no Session.
錯誤的堆棧跟蹤會有幫助 – ChristopherZ