2016-02-04 53 views



Sub addRow() 
    Dim row 
    row = InputBox("Maturity date of new bond", "Input maturity date") 
    If Not row = vbNullString Then 
     ActiveSheet.Range("A" & row + 1).EntireRow.Insert 
    End If 
End Sub 

如果它已經排序的所有你需要做的是通過迭代欄,發現較小的日期和時間之前插入的行。 – Taelsin


的確,這使得它更容易,謝謝。但是,因爲我對VBA相當陌生,所以想知道是否可以用正確的函數/語法來幫助我做到這一點...... –


當然。我會把它放在答案中。 – Taelsin






Sub addRow() 

' ============================================================================================================ 
' This is sort of the easy part, taken somewhat from the code you provided. We're going to create some 
' variables to use later, and give our user an input field for the maturity date. 
' NOTE: You said the date was in column A, but in case that isn't always true, I also use a 
'  range-selector input box to allow the user to specify the range/column containing maturity dates. 
' ============================================================================================================ 
Dim d As Date ' Create our maturity date 
Dim dateColumn As Range ' Create a variable to store our date column 
Dim isAscOrder As Boolean ' Create a variable to store a value that will indicate in what direction the dates are sorted 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, c As Range, r As Range ' Create a few misc variables (I always do this just in case I need them later on) 

On Error GoTo cancel ' We want to assume any errors on the next line are caused by the user pressing the "Cancel" button. 
Set dateColumn = Application.InputBox("Column containing maturity dates", "Specify maturity date column", Type:=8) ' Show the range-selector input box and store it in our date-column variable 

retryDate: ' this is called a "Line Label". We can send user here to retry the next action 
On Error GoTo invalidDate ' If the next line causes an error, we will send user to our "invalidDate" label (see below) 
d = InputBox("Maturity date of new bond", "Input maturity date") ' Show the input-box and store the date value specified by the user 
On Error GoTo 0 ' Set the error-handling back to its default 

' ============================================================================================================ 
' Here comes the slightly more advanced part. The general idea here is that we want to find the spot in which 
' this date should fit, but we don't even know in what direction the dates are currently sorted. 
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
' (1) So, first we'll determine the sort direction by comparing the first cell to the last cell. 
'  Also note that I am specifying "Column(1)" in case the user entered a range with multiple 
'  columns by mistake. 
' (2) Next, I'll loop through each cell in the range using the "For each" statement. Within each 
'  of these iterations, I will check if the cell's date is greater/less than (this will 
'  depend on the sort direction) the maturity date specified by the user. 
' (3) Finally, when I find a cell that is greater/less than our maturity date, I will insert a 
'  new row before that row. 
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
' Sound good? Okay, here we go . . . 
' ============================================================================================================ 

isAscOrder = (CDate(dateColumn.Cells(1, 1).Value) < CDate(dateColumn.Columns(1).End(xlDown).Value)) ' compare the first and last cells of the first column to determine the sort direction 
For Each c In dateColumn.Columns(1).Cells ' begin the "For Each" loop; this will loop through each cell in the first column of our range 
    If c.Row() > dateColumn.Parent.UsedRange.Rows.Count() Then Exit Sub ' Proceed only if we have not reached end of the "Used Range" (i.e., the end of our worksheet) 
    If isAscOrder Then ' If this is in ascending order, then ... 
     If CDate(c.Value) > d Then ' ... we will check for the first cell greater than our maturity date. 
      c.EntireRow.Insert shift:=xlShiftDown ' When/if we find it, then insert the new row above the current one, and then ... 
      Exit Sub ' ... exit the sub (because we are done). 
     End If 
    Else ' If this is not in ascending order, then we will assume descending order (duh), and then ... 
     If CDate(c.Value) < d Then ' ... we will check for the first cell less than our maturity date. 
      c.EntireRow.Insert shift:=xlShiftDown ' When/if we find it, then insert the new row above the current one, and then ... 
      Exit Sub ' ... exit the sub (because we are done). 
     End If 
    End If 
Next c ' No greater/less than date was found; proceed to the next iteration of our "For Each" loop (i.e., the next cell). 

' ============================================================================================================ 
' Our code execution shouldn't come down this far (since we handle all possible scenarios above, and each one 
' results in exiting the sub. However, we do need to specify some code to handle our errors. 
' ============================================================================================================ 
Exit Sub ' We shouldn't ever get to this point, but exit the sub just in case. 
If MsgBox("Please enter a valid date (i.e.,""mm/dd/yyyy"")", vbRetryCancel, "Invalid Date") = vbCancel Then ' Display the "invalid date" error, and ask the user if he or she would like to retry. If "Cancel" is clicked, then ... 
    Exit Sub ' ... exit the sub. 
Else ' If the user clicked "Retry", then ... 
    GoTo retryDate ' ... send them back to the date input box (i.e., the "retryDate" label). 
End If 

Exit Sub 

End Sub 


Sub addRow() 
    Dim givenDate As Date 
    givenDate = InputBox("Maturity date of new bond", "Input maturity date") 
    If givenDate <> vbNullString Then 
     Dim iter As Range 
     Set iter = ActiveSheet.Range("A1") 
      Set iter = iter.Offset(1) 
     Loop While iter.Value <= givenDate 
     iter.EntireRow.Insert xlDown 
     Set iter = iter.Offset(-1) 
     iter.Value = givenDate 
    End If 
End Sub 
