2011-03-25 33 views

我有一個jQuery UI Datepicker的問題,我試圖通過ajax調用來確定給定月份中的空閒日期。Jquery datepicker beforeShowDay瀏覽器不一致和更新問題

問題是雙重的 -

  1. 的beforeShowDay只似乎在Chrome,不FF或IE正確執行時,自由天類根本就沒有被在這些瀏覽器中加入。

  2. 即使在Chrome中,當滾動到前一個月時,直到返回到該月份纔會添加免費日班,換句話說,免費日在該月的第一個視圖上不會突出顯示。這似乎不是一個月前進的問題。


// declare freeDays global 
var freeDays = []; 

// perform initial json request for free days 


    // fairly standard configuration, importantly containing beforeShowDay and onChangeMonthYear custom methods 
     changeMonth: true, 
     changeYear: true, 
     showOtherMonths: true, 
     selectOtherMonths: true, 
     dateFormat: 'DD, d MM, yy', 
     altField: '#date_due', 
     altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', 
     beforeShowDay: highlightDays, 
     onChangeMonthYear: fetchFreeDays, 
     firstDay: 1 // rows starts on Monday 

// query for free days in datepicker 
function fetchFreeDays(year, month) 
    var start_date = ''; 

    // if a month and year were supplied, build a start_date in yyyy-mm-dd format 
    if (year != undefined && month != undefined) { 
     start_date = year +'-'; 
     start_date += month +'-'; 
     start_date += '01'; 

    $.getJSON("ajax.todos.php?start_date="+ start_date, function(data){ 
     $.each(data, function(index, value) { 
      freeDays.push(value.freeDate); // add this date to the freeDays array 

// runs for every day displayed in datepicker, adds class and tooltip if matched to days in freeDays array 
function highlightDays(date) 
    for (var i = 0; i < freeDays.length; i++) { 
     if (new Date(freeDays[i]).toString() == date.toString()) { 
     return [true, 'free-day', 'no to-do items due']; // [0] = true | false if this day is selectable, [1] = class to add, [2] = tooltip to display 

    return [true, '']; 


// ajax.todos.php 
$i = 0; // counter prevents infinite loop 
$cutoff = '61'; // limit on timespan (in days) 
$result = array(); 

// if date is provided, use it, otherwise default to today 
$start_date = (!empty($start_date)) ? mysql_real_escape_string($start_date) : date('Y-m-d'); 
$check_date = $start_date; 
$end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$start_date +$cutoff days")); // never retrieve more than 2 months 

while ($check_date != $end_date) 
    // check if any incomplete todos exist on this date 
    if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM " . DB_TODOS . " WHERE date_due = '$check_date'"), 0) == 0) 
     $result[] = array('freeDate' => $check_date); 

    // +1 day to the check date 
    $check_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$check_date +1 day")); 

    // break from loop if its looking like an infinite loop 
    if ($i > $cutoff) break; 

header('Content-type: application/json'); 
echo json_encode($result); 


/* override free days background in jquery ui datepicker */ 
.free-day { 
    background: #2e9500; 

.free-day a { 
    opacity: 0.7; 







還是不太有... 我一直有實施上的getJSON回調麻煩。 現在我試着切換到$ .ajax與async:false選項,這似乎解決了在免費天數組填充前切換幾個月的問題,但我仍然無法在FF或IE中工作之前的ShowDays。 我已經把$('#datepicker')。datepicker()放在ajax成功:回調中。 – 2011-03-28 07:11:54


在firebug中,我可以看到兩者都很好的請求和響應,因此問題出現在highlightDays中。是否有任何理由爲什麼toString行會在不同的瀏覽器中被區別對待? – 2011-03-28 07:27:44
