$theColorBegin = (isset($_REQUEST['cbegin'])) ? hexdec($_REQUEST['cbegin']) : 0x000000;
$theColorEnd = (isset($_REQUEST['cend'])) ? hexdec($_REQUEST['cend']) : 0xffffff;
$theNumSteps = (isset($_REQUEST['steps'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['steps']) : 16;
$theColorBegin = (($theColorBegin >= 0x000000) && ($theColorBegin <= 0xffffff)) ? $theColorBegin : 0x000000;
$theColorEnd = (($theColorEnd >= 0x000000) && ($theColorEnd <= 0xffffff)) ? $theColorEnd : 0xffffff;
$theNumSteps = (($theNumSteps > 0) && ($theNumSteps < 256)) ? $theNumSteps : 16;
<form method="GET">
<table border='1'>
<td>number type</td>
<td>color begin:</td>
<td><input name="cbegin" value="<? printf("%06X", $theColorBegin); ?>"></td>
<td>color end:</td>
<td><input name="cend" value="<? printf("%06X", $theColorEnd); ?>"></td>
<td>number of steps:</td>
<td><input name="steps" value="<? echo $theNumSteps; ?>"></td>
<input type="submit" value="generate color gradient">
printf("<p>values are: (color begin: 0x%06X), (color end: 0x%06X), (number of steps: %d)</p>\n", $theColorBegin, $theColorEnd, $theNumSteps);
$theR0 = ($theColorBegin & 0xff0000) >> 16;
$theG0 = ($theColorBegin & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
$theB0 = ($theColorBegin & 0x0000ff) >> 0;
$theR1 = ($theColorEnd & 0xff0000) >> 16;
$theG1 = ($theColorEnd & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
$theB1 = ($theColorEnd & 0x0000ff) >> 0;
// return the interpolated value between pBegin and pEnd
function interpolate($pBegin, $pEnd, $pStep, $pMax) {
if ($pBegin < $pEnd) {
return (($pEnd - $pBegin) * ($pStep/$pMax)) + $pBegin;
} else {
return (($pBegin - $pEnd) * (1 - ($pStep/$pMax))) + $pEnd;
// generate gradient swathe now
echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='8' style='border-collapse:collapse'>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $theNumSteps; $i++) {
$theR = interpolate($theR0, $theR1, $i, $theNumSteps);
$theG = interpolate($theG0, $theG1, $i, $theNumSteps);
$theB = interpolate($theB0, $theB1, $i, $theNumSteps);
$theVal = ((($theR << 8) | $theG) << 8) | $theB;
$theTDTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X'>", $theVal);
$theTDARTag = sprintf("<td bgcolor='#%06X' align='right'>", $theVal);
$theFC0Tag = "<font color='#000000'>";
$theFC1Tag = "<font color='#ffffff'>";
printf("<tr>$theTDTag$theFC0Tag%d</font></td>$theTDTag$theFC0Tag%d%%</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC0Tag%d</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC0Tag%06X</font></td>", $i, ($i/$theNumSteps) * 100, $theVal, $theVal);
printf("$theTDTag$theFC1Tag%06X</font></td>$theTDTag$theFC1Tag%d</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC1Tag%d%%</font></td>$theTDARTag$theFC1Tag%d</font></td></tr>\n", $theVal, $theVal, ($i/$theNumSteps) * 100, $i);
echo "</table>\n";
我發現,20分鐘後我張貼這一個可行的解決方案。它可以在這裏找到:http://herethere.net/~samson/php/color_gradient/ –