2016-02-24 42 views
$minutes = (int)ceil((float)$this->quotes() 
     ->whereRaw(\DB::raw("quotes.created_at >= STR_TO_DATE('".$from->format('d/m/Y')." 00:00', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i')")) 
     ->whereRaw(\DB::raw("quotes.created_at <= STR_TO_DATE('".$to->format('d/m/Y')." 23:59', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i')")) 
     ->whereRaw('completed_at IS NOT NULL') 
     ->whereRaw("completed_at <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ") 
     ->avg(\DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, created_at, completed_at)'))); 

以上是我目前找到引用中created_at和completed_at之間平均分鐘數的方法。我想不包括開放時間以外的會議記錄。我已經創建了一個表,其中包括opening_hours和Mon-Sun,以及當天的活動時間和當天的開放時間。 opening_time 08:30 closing_time 17:00。 我不確定如何解決這個問題,以便平均週一至週五08:30 - 17:00之間的分鐘數。Laravel找到兩個日期之間在開放時間內的時間量


你想結束什麼? –


$quotes = $this->quotes() 
     ->select(\DB::raw("*, DATEDIFF(completed_at, created_at) AS DaysToComplete")) 
     ->whereRaw(\DB::raw("quotes.created_at >= STR_TO_DATE('".$from->format('d/m/Y')." 00:00', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i')")) 
     ->whereRaw(\DB::raw("quotes.created_at <= STR_TO_DATE('".$to->format('d/m/Y')." 23:59', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i')")) 
     ->whereRaw('completed_at IS NOT NULL') 
     ->whereRaw("completed_at <> '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ") 

    * Puts Opening Hours into an array using 
    * DateTime/Carbon DayOfWeek as key 
    * these keys are saved against 
    * each day within the 
    * opening hours 
    * table 
    * SUNDAY      // int(0) 
    * MONDAY      // int(1) 
    * TUESDAY      // int(2) 
    * WEDNESDAY     // int(3) 
    * THURSDAY      // int(4) 
    * FRIDAY      // int(5) 
    * SATURDAY      // int(6) 
    $opening_hours = OpeningHour::all(); 
    foreach($opening_hours as $hours){ 
     $hrs[$hours->day] = [ 
      'day' => $hours->day, 
      'name' => $hours->name, 
      'opening_time' => $hours->opening_time, 
      'closing_time' => $hours->closing_time, 
      'active' => $hours->active, 

    $quote_completion_time = array(); 
    foreach($quotes as $quote){ 
     $created_at = $quote->created_at; 
     $completed_at = $quote->completed_at; 
     $minutes = 0; 
     for($i = 0;$i <= $quote->DaysToComplete;$i++){ 
      * Manipulates the opening_time and closing_time to the same 
      * day so that you can check the diffInMinutes between 2 
      * carbon instances for the same day 
      $opening_time = \Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $created_at->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $hrs[$created_at->dayOfWeek]['opening_time']); 
      $closing_time = \Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $created_at->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $hrs[$created_at->dayOfWeek]['closing_time']); 
      * Checks if the day is active within opening hours 
      * that is set within the opening hours table 
      if($hrs[$created_at->dayOfWeek]['active'] == 1){ 
       if($quote->DaysToComplete == 0){ 
        //For quotes that are created and completed on the same day 
        $minutes += $created_at->diffInMinutes($completed_at); 
       } elseif($i == 0){ 
        // The first day of a quote opening but not being completed in the same day 
        $minutes += $created_at->diffInMinutes($closing_time); 
       }elseif($i == $quote->DaysToComplete){ 
        //The day the quote was completed 
        $minutes += $opening_time->diffInMinutes($completed_at); 
        //full days where the quote was open but not completed 
        $minutes += $opening_time->diffInMinutes($closing_time); 

      //Add day to created_at ready for the next checks 
     $quote_completion_time[] = $minutes; 

    $quotes_collection = collect($quote_completion_time); 
    $minutes = $quotes_collection->avg(); 

    if (empty($minutes)){ 
     return 'N/A'; 

    return \Carbon\CarbonInterval::create(0, 0, 0, floor($minutes/1440), floor(($minutes % 1440)/60), $minutes%60, 0); 

