沒有人幫我解決這個問題,它的工作很好的菜單上的鏈接,在div「內容」之前,但是當嘗試導航頁面時,在鏈接裏面div稱爲「內容」,它的工作? 這是加載頁面,無需重新加載標題。html5的歷史api工作的所有鏈接,甚至裏面的內容div
if uncomment the above line, html5 nonsupported browers won't change the url but will display the ajax content;
if commented, html5 nonsupported browers will reload the page to the specified link.
//get the link location that was clicked
pageurl = $(this).attr('href');
//to get the ajax content and display in div with id 'content'
$.ajax({url:pageurl+'?rel=tab',success: function(data){
//to change the browser URL to 'pageurl'
return false;
/* the below code is to override back button to get the ajax content without reload*/
$(window).bind('popstate', function() {
$.ajax({url:location.pathname+'?rel=tab',success: function(data){
嘗試使用$( 「一[相對= '標籤']」)新的錨。在( '點擊',功能(E) {如果您正在使用ajax加載新鏈接 –