我使用ReactPHP環路和HttpServer的是,在永無止境的循環運行的PHP腳本新貴ReactPHP腳本 - AWS EC2 ElasticbeanStalk
/* loading the base configuration files and defines */
require_once 'base/bootstrap.php';
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$socket = new React\Socket\Server($loop);
$http = new React\Http\Server($socket);
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$api = BaseClass::initiate(); // the initially loaded class setting up the environment
* The $loop React Event Loop will make sure that $api BaseClass required to be alive
* is up-to-date managing the Environment
$loop->addPeriodicTimer(3, function ($timer) use (&$i, &$j, $loop, &$api) {
try {
if ($i >= rand(300, 400)) {
/* Refresh the Environment if any DB changes happen, like new clients added, etc. */
$api = BaseClass::initiate();
* I Do my Work Here
} catch (Exception $e) {
* Error Handling
* The $http React HTTP Server will listen to the SQS Queue and perform actions accordingly
$http->on('request', function (React\Http\Request $request, React\Http\Response $response) use (&$api) {
$request->on('data', function ($data) use (&$api, $request, $response) {
try {
$postData = json_decode($data, TRUE);
* I process the Post Data here using $api loaded Class
} Catch (Exception $e) {
/* Send an Error Message to the Queue */
* Error Handling
我在看這個結構的原因是$ API打開一個套接字連接,需要活着的$ HTTP服務器來處理。
nohup php /var/app/current/server.php &
start on startup
stop on shutdown
php /var/app/current/server.php
它說的MyScript啓動:無法識別的服務的時候我做須藤服務的MyScript啓動 – Guns
也嘗試過'啓動myscript',它給了我一個PID,但是'status myscript'表示服務已經停止 – Guns
使用你命名的/etc/init/myscript.conf作爲服務名。在我的例子中,它是'myscript'。如果你命名你的conf文件'/etc/init/guns.conf',那麼你可以用'sudo service guns start'啓動它' –