2017-02-16 45 views

當前有一個文件設置爲讀取CSV文件。 CSV文件包含1600個api查詢。然後,每個API查詢都會返回更多需要運行的查詢。我在Windows 10上使用Xampp v3.2.2並運行php v5.6.15。當通過我的瀏覽器運行文件時,在超時前CSV中的前800條記錄運行正常。當我現在重新運行文件時,出現錯誤「網站無法到達ERR_CONNECTION_RESET」。不知道是什麼原因造成的。代碼的縮寫版本包括以下1個文件的Xampp ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); 
set_time_limit (28800); 

$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file('file.csv')); 
for($i = 0; $i < count($csv); $i++){ 
    if($csv[$i][2] == 1){ //this item in csv is flag to check if this item has been run yet 
     if($csv[$i][3] != 'NULL' && trim($csv[$i][3]) != ''){ // check to make sure there is a URL 
      $return = file_get_contents(trim($csv[$i][3])); //Get the contents that links to new api calls 
       $isCall = array(); // array to store all new calls 
       $data = array(); // array to store all data to put in csv 
       $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0'); // create new DOM object 
       $doc->loadHTML($return); // load page string into DOM object 
       $links = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a'); // get all <a> tags on the page 
       if($links->length > 0){ // if there is at least one <a> tag on page 
        for($j = 0; $j < $links->length; $j++){ // loop through <a> tags 
         $isCall[]= $links->item($j)->getAttribute('href'); // get href attribute from <a> tag and push into array 


        for($x = 0; $x < count($isCall); $x++){ // loop through all the calls and search for data 
         $string = file_get_contents($isCall[$x]); 
         if($string) { 
          $thispage = new DOMDocument('1.0'); 
          $pagedata = $thispage->getElementsByTagName('div'); 
          if ($pagedata->length > 0) { 
           for($j = 0; $j < $pagedata->length; $j++) { 
            $data[] = $pagedata->item($j)->C14N(); 
         if(count($data) >= 5) break; // limiting to 5 data points to be added to csv 

       if(!empty($data)) $csv[$i] = array_merge($csv[$i], $data); // if we have data points lets add them to the row in the csv 


     $csv[$i][2] = 2; // set the flag to 2 

     $fp = fopen('file.csv', 'w'); // write the contents to the csv each time through loops so if it fails we start at last completed record 

     foreach ($csv as $f) { 
      fputcsv($fp, $f); 










我打電話給的api是在幾個網站上,所以沒有一個網址被擊中1600次。有可能Windows可能將我的腳本視爲惡意,因爲它會發出幾千個外撥電話?而且這是我自己的系統阻止它? – jppower175


嗯....你試圖從瀏覽器或CLI運行這個? – raidenace


從我的瀏覽器運行它 – jppower175