2015-11-22 37 views

我的任務是製作一個二進制表達式樹來將後綴表達式轉換爲C++中的中綴表達式。我最初編寫我的所有工作在我的Xcode IDE中,並會定期ssh到終端linprog4,以確保它在那裏工作,因爲它必須在我把它打開之前。我不明白當我編譯它時彈出的錯誤g ++ -o proj4.x -std = C++ 11 proj4_driver.cpp BET.cpp無法編譯終端中的C++項目


下面是錯誤截圖我正在 enter image description here


#ifndef BET_H 
#define BET_H 

using namespace std; 

class BET { 

     struct BinaryNode { 

      string data; 
      BinaryNode * parent; 
      BinaryNode * childLeft; 
      BinaryNode * childRight; 
      bool visited;   // to tell if node has been visited to or not 

      // Construct a blank copy version BinaryNode when an 
      // object of BET is created 
      BinaryNode(const char & d = char{}, BinaryNode * p = NULL, 
         BinaryNode * l = NULL, 
         BinaryNode * r = NULL, bool v = false) 
         : data { d }, 
         parent { p }, 
         childLeft { l }, 
         childRight { r }, 
         visited { v } {} 

      // Construct a blank move version of BinaryNode when an 
      // an object of BET is created 
      BinaryNode(char && d, BinaryNode * p = NULL, BinaryNode * l = NULL, 
         BinaryNode * r = NULL, bool v = false) 
         : data { std::move(d) }, 
         parent { p }, 
         childLeft { l }, 
         childRight { r }, 
         visited { v } {} 

     }; // end of BinaryNode struct 


     // constructors and destructor 
     BET(const string postfix); 
     BET(const BET & rhs); 

     // help copy constructor 
     bool buildFromPostfix(const string postfix); 

     // copy assignment operator 
     const BET & operator=(const BET & rhs); 

     void printInfixExpression(); 
     void printPostfixExpression(); 

     size_t size(); 
     size_t leaf_nodes(); 

     bool empty(); 
     bool isOperand(BinaryNode * n); 

     BinaryNode *root; 
     size_t leaves, nodes; 
     bool useP; 

     void printInfixExpression(BinaryNode * n); 
     void makeEmpty(BinaryNode* & t); 
     BinaryNode * clone(BinaryNode * t) const; 
     void printPostfixExpression(BinaryNode * n); 
     size_t size(BinaryNode * t); 
     size_t leaf_nodes(BinaryNode * t); 

}; // end of BET class 



#include <iostream> 
#include <stack> 
#include <sstream> 
#include <string> 
#include "BET.h" 

//using namespace std; 

// default zero-param constructor 
BET::BET() { 

    root = new BinaryNode; 
    leaves = 0; 
    nodes = 0; 

// one-param constructor, where parameter "postfix" is a 
// string containing a postfix expression. The tree should 
// be built based on the postfix expression. Tokens in the 
// postfix expression are separated by space 
BET::BET(const string postfix) { 

    root = new BinaryNode; 

// copy constructor 
BET::BET(const BET & rhs) { 

    leaves = rhs.leaves; 
    nodes = rhs.nodes; 
    root = rhs.root; 

// destructor 
BET::~BET() { 

    leaves = nodes = 0; 

bool BET::buildFromPostfix(const string postfix) { 

    // Create stack to hold variables 
    stack<BinaryNode *> s; 
    stack<BinaryNode> bet; 
    char token; 
    string temp; 
    int index = 1; 
    bool doubleDigit = false; 
    int opCount = 0, digitCount = 0; 

    //stringstream hexToInt; 

    // iterator through postfix 
    for (int i = 0; i < postfix.size(); ++i) { 

     // grab token at iterations index 
     token = postfix[i]; 

     if ((token > '0' && token < '9') || (token > 62 && token < 80)) { 
      // check to see if token is an operand 

      // create a dynamic object of BinaryNode 
      BinaryNode *operand = new BinaryNode; 

      // check to see if next index of postfix is digit 
      // if its not, then we know its a double digit 
      // this while loop should only continue as long as the 
      // next index is between 0 and 9 

      temp = postfix[i]; 
      while (postfix[i + index] >= '0' && postfix[i + index] <= '9') { 

       temp += postfix[i + index]; 
       doubleDigit = true; 

      if (doubleDigit == true) { 

       i += index; 
       doubleDigit = false; 
       index = 1; 
       operand->data = temp; 

      } else { 

       operand->data = postfix[i]; 


     } else if (token == '+' || token == '-' || token == '*' || token == '/'){ 
      // check to see if token is operator 

      BinaryNode *operand = new BinaryNode; 
      operand->data = postfix[i]; 
      operand->childLeft = s.top(); 
      s.top()->parent = operand; 
      operand->childRight = s.top(); 
      s.top()->parent = operand; 
     } else { 
      // if neither, must be space or other character 

      if (token == ' ') { 

      } else 
       return false; 


    if (digitCount <= opCount) { 
     return false; 

    root = s.top(); 

    nodes = size(); 
    //leaves = leaf_nodes(); 

    // THINGS TO DO: 
    // Make error cases with if statements to return false at some point 
    return true; 

// assignment operator 
const BET & BET::operator=(const BET & rhs) { 

    root = clone(rhs.root); 

    return *this; 

// public version of printInfixExpression() 
// calls the private version of the printInfixExpression fuction 
// to print out the infix expression 
void BET::printInfixExpression() { 


// public version of printPostfixExpression() 
// calls the private version of the printPostfixExpression function 
// to print out the postfix expression 
void BET::printPostfixExpression() { 


// public version of size() 
// calls the private version of the size function to return 
// the number of nodes in the tree 
size_t BET::size() { 

    return size(root); 

// public version of leaf_nodes() 
// calls the private version of leaf_nodes function to return 
// the number of leaf nodes in the tree 
size_t BET::leaf_nodes() { 

    return leaf_nodes(root); 

// public version of empty() 
// return true if the tree is empty. return false otherwise 
bool BET::empty() { 

    if (nodes == 0) { 
     return true; 
    } else 
     return false; 

// checks whether node is operand or not 
bool BET::isOperand(BinaryNode * n) { 

    if (n->data != "+" && n->data != "-" && n->data != "*" && n->data != "/") { 
     return true; 
    } else 
     return false; 

// private version of printInfixExpression 
// print to the standard output the corresponding infix expression 
void BET::printInfixExpression(BinaryNode * n) { 
    //BinaryNode * temp = NULL; 

    if (n != NULL) { 
     cout << n->data << " "; 

    if (n != NULL && useP == true) { 


     if (isOperand(n->parent) && n->parent != NULL && !n->childLeft) { 
      cout << "("; 


     cout << n->data << " "; 

     if (isOperand(n->parent) && n->parent != NULL && !n->childRight) { 
      cout << ")"; 



// private method makeEmpty() 
// delete all nodes in the subtree pointed to by n. 
// Called by functions such as the destructor 
void BET::makeEmpty(BinaryNode * & n) { 

    if (n != NULL) { 
     delete n; 

// private method clone() 
// clone all nodes in the subtree pointed by n. Called by 
// functions such as the assignment operator= 
BET::BinaryNode * BET::clone(BinaryNode * n) const { 

    if (n != NULL) { 
     root->childRight = clone(n->childRight); 
     root->childLeft = clone(n->childLeft); 
     root->data = n->data; 

    return root; 

// private method printPostfixExpression() 
// print to the standard output the corresponding postfix expression 
void BET::printPostfixExpression(BinaryNode * n) { 

    if (n != NULL) { 
     cout << n->data << " "; 

// private version of size() 
// return the number of nodes in the subtree pointed by n 
size_t BET::size(BinaryNode * n) { 

    if (n != NULL) { 

    return nodes; 

// return the number of leaf nodes in the subtree pointed by n 
size_t BET::leaf_nodes(BinaryNode * n) { 

    if (n != NULL) { 

     if (n->childLeft == NULL && n->childRight == NULL) { 
      leaves += 1; 

    return leaves; 


#include "BET.cpp" 

//using namespace std; 

int main() { 
    string postfix; 

    // get a postfix expression 
    cout << "Enter the first postfix expression: "; 
    getline(cin, postfix); 

    // create a binary expression tree 
    BET bet1(postfix); 

    if (!bet1.empty()) { 
     cout << "Infix expression: "; 
     cout << "\n"; 

    cout << "Postfix expression: "; 

    cout << "\nNumber of nodes: "; 
    cout << bet1.size() << endl; 

    cout << "Number of leaf nodes: "; 
    cout << bet1.leaf_nodes() << endl; 

     // test copy constructor 
     BET bet2(bet1); 
     cout << "Testing copy constructor: "; 

     // test assignment operator 
     BET bet3; 
     bet3 = bet1; 
     cout << "Testing assignment operator: "; 

    cout << "Enter a postfix expression (or \"quit\" to quit): "; 
    while (getline(cin, postfix)) { 
    if (postfix == "quit") { 
    if (bet1.buildFromPostfix(postfix)) { 
     cout << "Infix expression: "; 

     cout << "Postfix expression: "; 

     cout << "Number of nodes: "; 
     cout << bet1.size() << endl; 

     cout << "Number of leaf nodes: "; 
     cout << bet1.leaf_nodes() << endl; 
    cout << "Enter a postfix expression (or \"quit\" to quit): "; 
    return 0; 


''在'Driver.cpp'中'#include「BET.cpp」'更改爲'#include「BET.h」' – gongzhitaao


哦,我的天哪...我很蠢謝謝 – Talcicio



Driver.cpp #include "BET.cpp"應該#include "BET.h"

或(和這只是爲了完整性,不推薦),保留包括在.cpp,但後來只嘗試編譯一個的.cpp(如g++ Driver.cpp) - 自驅動程序將包含BET,因此您的所有代碼都將在此處生成。


謝謝!我很快就會接受你的回答,它不會讓我呢 – Talcicio