2013-01-17 33 views




您可以使用類似於「Workbooks.Open」的內容從「基本」工作簿打開工作簿並操作其內容。 – Passerby




Sub OpenAllWorkbooksnew() 
     Set destWB = ActiveWorkbook 
     Dim DestCell As Range 

     Dim cwb As Workbook 
     For Each cwb In Workbooks 

      **Call donemovementReport** 
      ActiveWorkbook.Close True 
      ActiveWorkbook.Close False 
     Next cwb 
    End Sub 


Sub SO() 
    Dim macroList As Object 
    Dim workbookName As String 
    Dim wbFullPath 
    Dim macroName As String 
    Dim currentWb As Workbook 
    Dim masterWb As Workbook ' the Excel file you are calling this procedure from 
    Dim useWbList As Boolean 
    Dim height As Long, i As Long 
    Dim dataArray As Variant 
    useWbList = False ' DEFINE which input method 
    Set macroList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 

    If useWbList Then 
     ' you can also from the dictionary from 2 columns of an excel file , probably better for management 
     With masterWb.Worksheets("Sheet1") '<~~ change Sheet1 to the sheet name storing the data 
      height = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row ' Assume data in column A,B, starting from row 1 
      If height > 1 Then 
       ReDim dataArray(1 To height, 1 To 2) 
       dataArray = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(height, 2)).Value 
       For i = 1 To height 
        macroList.Add dataArray(i, 1), dataArray(i, 2) 
       Next i 
       'height = 1 case 
       macroList.Add .Cells(1, 1).Value, .Cells(1, 2).Value 
      End If 
     End With 
     ' ENTER THE FULl PATH in 1st agrument below,  Macro Name in 2nd argument 
     ' Remember to make sure the macro is PUBLIC, try to put them in Module inside of Sheets' 

     macroList.Add "C:\Users\wangCL\Desktop\Book1.xlsm", "ThisWorkbook.testing" 
     'macroList.Add "FULL PATH", "MACRO NAME" 
     'macroList.Add "FULL PATH", "MACRO NAME" 
     'macroList.Add "FULL PATH", "MACRO NAME" 
    End If 

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 

    For Each wbFullPath In macroList.keys 
     On Error GoTo 0 
     macroName = macroList.Item(workbookName) 
     workbookName = Mid(wbFullPath, InStrRev(wbFullPath, "\") + 1) 
     On Error Resume Next 
     Set currentWb = Nothing 
     Set currentWb = Workbooks(workbookName) ' see if the workbook is already open 

     If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
      ' open the workbook if workbook NOT opened 
      Set currentWb = Workbooks.Open(workbookName, ReadOnly:=True) 
     End If 
     On Error GoTo 0 

     ' run the macro 
     Application.Run workbookName & "!" & macroList.Item(wbFullPath) 

     'close the workbook after running the macro 
     currentWb.Close saveChanges:=False 
     Set currentWb = Nothing 
    Next wbFullPath 
End Sub 



該代碼看起來不錯。爲了便於使用,我將從專用的「主」excel文件創建宏模型。 另外,如果遇到錯誤,我不會簡單地繼續工作,但可以寫出某種警告,因此您不必檢查每個工作簿是否有錯誤。 –


@ChristianSauer感謝您的建議,更新代碼 – Larry


我失敗的步驟,我必須定義我的宏名稱? – user1960257
