2017-09-16 18 views

任務Excel的VBA - 避免錯誤1004寫入UF列表框陣列到鈑



AFAIK最有效的方法是使用陣列。如果數據來源於一個範圍,則最好使用數據字段數組,默認情況下是二維的(一個基於數組),並允許 a)從數據表獲取數據或 b)將數組寫回 與一個碼行:使用列表框數據陣列


Dim v ' As Variant 
Dim rng As Range 
Set rng = ... 

' a) range to array 
     v = rng.Value 

' b) array to range 
    rng.Value = v 


[提示:因此可以使用預定義的數組來創建項目,而不是使用通常所知的Add方法,BTW僅限於10列(索引0到9)。 ]


' aa) ListBox data to array 
    v = Me.ListBox1.List 

' bb) array to range 
rng.Value = v 





rng.Text = v 


rng.value = v 


問題 ==>是否有可能以解決導致潛在的誤差項「=」字符不用循環通過使用VBA或API方法的所有數組項?任何代碼的例子是歡迎各地(步驟3中的代碼)


我的代碼包括四個步驟 1)創建2dim數據字段陣列(ⅴ) 2)集合代替我的工作的目標範圍(RNG) 3)[我的工作圍繞校正每個數組項] 4)將數據寫回工作表

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
' declare variables 
    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Dump") 

    Dim s  As String    ' range address string 
    Dim sTest As String    ' item test string 
    Dim v  As Variant   ' data field array 
    Dim rng As Range    ' (target) range 
    Dim i  As Long    ' rows counter 
    Dim j  As Long    ' columns counter 
    Dim R  As Long    ' number of rows 
    Dim C  As Integer   ' number of columns 
    Dim lbxR As Long    ' actual number of listbox items in data field 
    Dim lbxC As Integer   ' actual number of listbox columns in data field 
' Error Handler 
    On Error GoTo OOPS 

' get programmatically defined listbox dimension 
    R = Me.ListBox1.ListCount 
    C = Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount 
' clear sheet lines A2:A{r} 
    ws.Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(R, C)).value = "" 
' =============================== 
' 1) create 2dim data field array 
' ------------------------------- 
    v = Me.ListBox1.List 

' ------------------------------- 
' 2) set target range (rng) 
' ------------------------------- 
' get actual data field dimension 
    lbxR = UBound(v, 1) - LBound(v, 1) + 1 ' first dimension 
    lbxC = UBound(v, 2) - LBound(v, 2) + 1 ' second dimension 
    s = ws.Range("A2").Resize(lbxR, lbxC).Address 
' set correconding target range 
    Set rng = ws.Range(s)       ' target range 

' create short protocol - columns by default differ from user defined ColumnCount property ! 
    Debug.Print String(80, "-") 
    Debug.Print vbNewLine & "** ListBox1 Defs   Data Field Array Dimension **" 
    Debug.Print "       [Target Range " & s & "]" 
    Debug.Print String(80, "-") 
    Debug.Print " ListCount = " & ListBox1.ListCount, "rows = " & lbxR & " = ubound(v,1)-lbound(v,1)+1 = " & UBound(v, 1) & " - " & LBound(v, 1) & " + 1 " 
    Debug.Print " ColumnCount= " & ListBox1.ColumnCount, "cols = " & lbxC & " = ubound(v,2)-lbound(v,2)+1 = " & UBound(v, 2) & " - " & LBound(v, 2) & " + 1 " 
    Debug.Print String(80, "-") 

' ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
' 3) Work around - correct leading "=", if any occurences presumed 
' (avoid error 1004 - App-defined or object-defined error) 
' ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
' ==> Is there an alternative way? 
' For i = 0 To R - 1   ' edited thx to D.Lee 
' For j = 0 To C - 1 
'  v(i, j) = IIf(Left(Me.ListBox1.List(i, j) & "", 1) = "=", " ", "") & _ 
'       Me.ListBox1.List(i, j) 
' Next j 
' Next i  
' ------------------------------- 
' 4) write data back to worksheet 
' ------------------------------- 
    rng.value = v 

Exit Sub 

' ============= 
' Error Handler 
' ============= 
    MsgBox "ERL=" & Erl & " |Error " & Err.Number & "|" & Err.Description & vbNewLine & _ 
     "s=" & s, vbExclamation 

End Sub 

提示建議閱讀"Arrays and Ranges in VBA" by C.Pearson


基本上我認爲這個版本包括步驟3)對我來說是滿意的。拆分和加入交易將無助於避免循環。由於我在API manoever領域並不堅定,我認爲他們風險太大;不過如果CopyMemory有可能使用,我會很高興有一些提示。對我來說最有趣的是,無論如何,從ListBox1.List讀入的數組都由TENcolumns組成。 –


**提示:**對於那些對使用OS API感興趣的人,我建議您閱讀@ Florent-B的智能解決方案,如何直接在內存中移動列;看到https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46712110/how-to-add-a-counter-column-to-existing-matrix-in-vba/46786604#46786604 –



因爲需要修改i和j,所以需要修改(v,1)= 0 ubound(v,1)= r-。

For i = 0 To R - 1 
     For j = 0 To C - 1 
     v(i, j) = IIf(Left(Me.ListBox1.List(i, j) & "", 1) = "=", " ", "") & _ 
          Me.ListBox1.List(i, j) 
     Next j 
    Next i 

我欣賞你的幫助提示+,但我原來的工作沒問題。你當然是對的。我匆匆趕走了錯誤的數字。我會編輯我的問題:-)然而,我的希望是找到一種替代的直接方式,而不需要通過數組的額外循環。 –