我有一個網頁,您可以搜索數據庫。用戶可以在5個不同的字段上搜索,並通過via post發送輸入。點擊搜索時,某些字段可以爲空。有沒有一個很好的選擇陳述我可以使用,而不是一大堆if語句。從PHP中的數據庫中選擇字符串
$Country = $_POST['Country'];
$Gender = $_POST['Gender'];
$lastName = $_POST['lastName'];
$firstName = $_POST['firstName'];
$sport = $_POST['sport'];
//selects sport and country
if (($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($Gender == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (sport ='$sport') ";
//selects country and gender and sport
if (($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (gender ='$Gender') AND (sport = '$sport')";
//selects country and last and first name
else if ($Gender == null)
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') AND (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') AND (sport = '$sport') ";
//selects sport, gender, last name and country
else if ($firstName == null)
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (sport ='$sport') AND (gender ='$Gender') AND (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') ";
//selects sport, gender, first name and country
else if ($lastName == null)
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (sport ='$sport') AND (gender ='$Gender') AND (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') ";
//selects just country
if (($Gender == null) && ($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($sport == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name ='$Country') ";
//selects just sport
else if (($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($Gender == null) && ($Country == 'country'))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (sport = '$sport') ORDER BY sport ";
//selects just last name
else if (($sport == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($Gender == null) && ($Country == 'country'))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (lastName = '$lastName') ORDER BY sport ";
//selects gender and last name
else if (($Country == 'country') && ($firstName == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') AND (gender LIKE '%$Gender%') AND (sport = '$sport') ";
//selects gender and first name
else if (($Country == 'country') && ($lastName == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') AND (gender = '$Gender') AND (sport = '$sport') ";
//selects country, sport and first name
else if (($Gender == null) && ($lastName == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') AND (sport = '$sport') AND (name = '$Country') ";
//selects last name, sport and first name
else if (($Gender == null) && ($Country == 'country'))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') AND (sport = '$sport') AND (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') ";
// selects sport and gender
else if (($Country == null) && ($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (gender = '%Gender%') AND (sport = '$sport') ";
// selects gender
else if (($Country == null) && ($lastName == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($sport == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (gender = '%Gender%') ";
// selects country and last name
else if (($Gender == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($sport == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') ";
// selects country and first name
else if (($Gender == null) && ($lastName == null) && ($sport == null))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') ";
// selects all
else if (($Gender == null) && ($firstName == null) && ($sport == null) && ($lastName == null) && ($Country == 'country'))
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode)";
// selects if all feilds full
$selectString = "SELECT * FROM tblCountry JOIN tblAthletes ON (tblAthletes.countryCode = tblCountry.countryCode) WHERE (name = '$Country') AND (gender ='$Gender') AND (lastName LIKE '%$lastName%') AND (firstName LIKE '%$firstName%') ORDER BY lastName ";
$result = mysql_query($selectString);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
foreach($row as $index=>$value)
if(($index == 'flagImage')||($index == 'atheleteImage'))
//Gets images
echo"<td><img title='competitor' alt='' src='images/$value' width='80' height='80'/></td>";
您有任何解決方案嗎或只是希望我們做你的工作? – zerkms
我有一大堆if語句 –
這樣顯示它,所以我們可以幫助你改進它,而不僅僅是爲你做你的工作。 – zerkms