2013-05-10 46 views


class Program 
     public class lowerlevel 
      public string ChildName; 

     public class upperlevel 
      public string ItemName; 

      public lowerlevel[] ChildNames; 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      // Create a list of a POCO object that has lists in it as well. 
      List<upperlevel> items = new List<upperlevel> 
        // declaration of top level item 
        new upperlevel 
         ItemName = "FirstItem", 
         // declaration of children 
         ChildNames = new lowerlevel[] 
          {new lowerlevel {ChildName = "Part1"}, new lowerlevel {ChildName = "Part2"}}, 

        // declaration of top level item 
        new upperlevel 
         ItemName = "SecondItem", 
         // declaration of children 
         ChildNames = new lowerlevel[] { new lowerlevel { ChildName = "Part3" } } 

      var stuff = items.Select(l1 => l1.ChildNames.ToList().Select(l2 => 
       new lowerlevel 
        ChildName = l2.ChildName 

      // Arghh! I just want to make a new list with lambdas that is NOT nested a level down! This is NOT what I want but it is valid. 
      stuff.ForEach(n => n.ToList().ForEach(n2 => n2.ChildName)); 

      // I want this but it does not work as I am not doing the expression right 
      // stuff.Foreach(n => n.ChildName); 



我想的SelectMany()是你在找什麼。 – Maess 2013-05-10 18:32:24


這似乎是,如果我把它放在我的例子'項目'後。謝謝! – djangojazz 2013-05-10 19:30:03




var stuff = items.SelectMany...