尋找一種方式來解決UnicodeEncodeError:「ASCII」編解碼器不能在4位編碼字符U「\ u2019」:有序不在範圍內(128)機器人框架ASCII碼編碼
coding: utf-8
*** Settings ***
Documentation This is a simple test with Robot Framework
Suite Setup Connect To Database pymysql ${DBName} ${DBUser} ${DBPass} ${DBHost} ${DBPort}
Suite Teardown Disconnect From Database
Library Selenium2Library
Library DatabaseLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
Library String
*** Variables ***
${DBHost} localhost
${DBName} robottest
${DBPass} sahill
${DBPort} 3306
${DBUser} sahill
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser To Start Roboting
[Documentation] Sarting robot
[Tags] Smoke
Open Browser http://movieplus.cc/a-z-movies/ firefox
Maximize Browser Window
WAIT UNTIL PAGE CONTAINS have any legal issues please contact appropriate media file owners/hosters.
Click Element xpath=//div[@class='wrapper']//div[@class='thumbs']//div[@class='wrap']//div[1]//a
WAIT UNTIL PAGE CONTAINS have any legal issues please contact appropriate media file owners/hosters.
${count} = Get Matching Xpath Count xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//ul[@class='list']//li
${title} = get text xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//h2[@class='title']//span[@class='color']
${cate} = get text xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//ul[@class='list']
${director} = get text xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//div[1]//span[@class='desc']
${cast} = get text xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//div[2]//span[@class='desc']
${content} = get text xpath=//div[@class='wrap_content']//div[3]//span[@class='description']//p
${image_link} = Get element attribute xpath=//div[@class='content']//div[@class='wrap_img']//[email protected]
Execute SQL String INSERT INTO test VALUES('${title}', '${cate}', '${director}', '${cast}','${content}', '${image_link}', 'link');
Go Back
A young woman wakes up in the basement of a man who claims he saved her life after pulling her from her overturned car which violently crashed along the highway. The man states that the world above them is no longer safe and is now a danger zone that threatens the rest of humanity. With no knowledge of what actually lies above and trust running thin between them, the woman questions **what’s true and what’s not**. Is the man a delusional psychotic that has a more sinister agenda for her? Or is it really hell on earth above ground like he swears?
你使用python 2還是python 3? – user312016
Python 2,與python 3機器人框架不工作 – Sahill
我編輯我的答案。 – user312016