因此,我試圖使用ansible ec2_metric_alarm任務來創建一個監視我的自動縮放組的雲監視警報,並且如果ASG的CPU使用率高於或低於某個點。ansible ec2_metric_alarm不會附加到自動縮放策略
- ec2_metric_alarm:
aws_access_key: '{{ ami_access }}'
aws_secret_key: '{{ ami_secret }}'
state: present
region: "{{regi}}"
name: "{{item.names}}"
metric: "CPUUtilization"
namespace: "AWS/EC2"
statistic: Average
comparison: "{{item.compare}}"
threshold: "{{item.limits}}"
period: 60
evaluation_periods: 1
unit: "Percent"
description: "{{item.desc}}"
dimensions: {'AutoScalingGroupName':'{{auto_sc}}'}
alarm_actions: "{{item.pol}}"
- names: "cpuUP_{{auto_sc}}"
compare: ">="
limits: "20.0"
desc: "This will alarm when the average cpu usage of the ASG is greater than 20% for 1 minute"
pol: "cpuUP_{{auto_sc}}_policy"
- names: "cpuDown_{{auto_sc}}"
compare: "<="
limits: "10.0"
desc: "This will alarm when the average cpu usage of the ASG is less than 10% for 1 minute"
pol: "cpuDown_{{auto_sc}}_policy"
TASK [ec2_metric_alarm] ********************************************************
failed: [localhost] => (item={u'pol': u'cpuUP_test3_policy', u'desc': u'This wil
l alarm when the average cpu usage of the ASG is greater than 20% for 1 minute',
u'compare': u'>=', u'limits': u'20.0', u'names': u'cpuUP_test3'}) => {"failed":
true, "item": {"compare": ">=", "desc": "This will alarm when the average cpu u
sage of the ASG is greater than 20% for 1 minute", "limits": "20.0", "names": "c
puUP_test3", "pol": "cpuUP_test3_policy"}, "msg": "BotoServerError: 400 Bad Requ
est\n<ErrorResponse xmlns=\"http://monitoring.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-08- 01/\">\n
<Error>\n <Type>Sender</Type>\n <Code>ValidationError</Code>\n <Messa
ge>Invalid arn syntax: cpuUP_test3_policy</Message>\n </Error>\n <RequestId>d8
failed: [localhost] => (item={u'pol': u'cpuDown_test3_policy', u'desc': u'This w
ill alarm when the average cpu usage of the ASG is less than 10% for 1 minute',
u'compare': u'<=', u'limits': u'10.0', u'names': u'cpuDown_test3'}) => {"failed"
: true, "item": {"compare": "<=", "desc": "This will alarm when the average cpu
usage of the ASG is less than 10% for 1 minute", "limits": "10.0", "names": "cpu
Down_test3", "pol": "cpuDown_test3_policy"}, "msg": "BotoServerError: 400 Bad Re
quest\n<ErrorResponse xmlns=\"http://monitoring.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-08- 01/\">
\n <Error>\n <Type>Sender</Type>\n <Code>ValidationError</Code>\n <Mes
sage>Invalid arn syntax: cpuDown_test3_policy</Message>\n </Error>\n <RequestI
表示感謝! –