2014-11-23 32 views


用戶將輸入信息,看起來像這樣 約翰·丹佛:E100 Q70 Q50 H100 E100 E90 H80 Q60 H100


import java.util.Scanner; 

public class GradeCalcWithArrays { /* 
           * Daniel The purpose is to calculate 
           * entered grades 
public static void main(String[] args) { 

    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); 

    boolean done = false; 
    boolean quit = false; 
    int choice = 0; 
    int maxstudents = 200; 

    int[] examstats = new int[3]; /* 
           * Array created to store the information 
           * entered for exams 
    int[] quizstats = new int[3]; /* 
           * Array created to store the information 
           * entered for quizzes 
    int[] homeworkstats = new int[3]; /* 
            * Array created to store the 
            * information entered for homework 

    String[] studentnames = new String[maxstudents]; /* 
                * Array created to 
                * store the student 
                * name information 
                * entered 

    System.out.println("Welcome to GradeBook!"); 
    System.out.println("Please provide grade item details"); 

    System.out.print("Exams (number, points, weight):"); 

    examstats[0] = s.nextInt(); // inputs exam number 
    examstats[1] = s.nextInt(); // inputs exam points 
    examstats[2] = s.nextInt(); // inputs exam weight 

    System.out.print("Quizzes  (number, points, weight):"); 

    quizstats[0] = s.nextInt(); // inputs quiz number 
    quizstats[1] = s.nextInt(); // inputs quiz points 
    quizstats[2] = s.nextInt(); // inputs quiz weight 

    System.out.print("Homework (number, points, weight):"); 

    homeworkstats[0] = s.nextInt(); // inputs homework number 
    homeworkstats[1] = s.nextInt(); // inputs homework points 
    homeworkstats[2] = s.nextInt(); // inputs homework weight 

    double[] examscores = new double[examstats[0]]; 
    double[] quizscores = new double[quizstats[0]]; 
    double[] hwscores = new double[homeworkstats[0]]; 


    do { 
     System.out.println("What would you like to do?"); 
     System.out.println(" 1 Add student data"); 
     System.out.println(" 2 Display student grades & statistics"); 
     System.out.println(" 3 Plot grade distribution"); 
     System.out.println(" 4 Quit"); 
     System.out.print("Your choice:"); 
     choice = s.nextInt(); /* 
          * Choice will determine what the next course of 
          * action will be with the program 

     if (choice == 1) { 
      System.out.println("Enter student data:"); 

      for (int i = 0; i <= maxstudents; i++) { 
       String dataentry = s.nextLine(); 

       String[] firstsplit = dataentry.split(":"); 
       studentnames[i] = firstsplit[0]; 
       String[] secondsplit = firstsplit[1].split(" "); 

       for (int j = 0; j <= maxstudents; j++) { 

        String c; 

        c = secondsplit[j].substring(0, 1); 

        if (c == "e") { 
         secondsplit = secondsplit[j].split("e"); 
         examscores[i] = Double.parseDouble(secondsplit[j]); 

        if (c == "q") { 
         secondsplit = secondsplit[j].split("q"); 
         quizscores[i] = Double.parseDouble(secondsplit[j]); 

        if (c == "h") { 
         secondsplit = secondsplit[j].split("h"); 
         hwscores[i] = Double.parseDouble(secondsplit[j]); 


        if (dataentry.equals("done")) { 

     if (choice == 2) { 


     if (choice == 3) { 


     if (choice == 4) { 
      quit = true; 
      System.out.println("Good bye!"); 

    } while (quit == false); 



我得到一個錯誤,指出:異常線程 「main」 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:1 在GradeCalcWithArrays.main(GradeCalcWithArrays.java:83)





 `for (int i = 0; i <= maxstudents; i++)` 

這意味着,i是200上的最後一次迭代,所以在該迭代您的代碼將有效地執行studentnames[200] = firstsplit[0];,這將導致一個ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException。


還有其他問題:嵌套for循環不應該針對maxstudents進行測試,因爲它是您關心的等級數。我會讓其他人爲你弄清楚 - 提示其中的一個:你應該檢查你的輸入是否有錯誤。