function fill_contact(evt) //display click event
var country_id = evt.target.id
document.getElementById('country_name').firstChild.data = country_id
$country = $_GET['country_name'];
try {
// Establish server connection and select database
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database", $user, $password);
} catch(PDOException $e){
die("Sorry, we could not connect you to this database, please contact the Administrator to sort this out.". $e->getMessage());/** try open contact form here**/
/** run prepare to select records **/
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT firstname, lastname, email, photo FROM reps WHERE country = :country");
$stmt->bindParam(':country', $country, PDO::PARAM_STR);
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function fill_contact(evt) //display click event
var country_id = evt.target.id
document.getElementById('country_name').firstChild.data = country_id
/* need to get a ajax http fetch statement here???*/
function getDataFile(mapString , useData)
/** call getURL() if available **/
if (window.getURL) {
getURL(mapString , useData);
/** call XMLHttpRequest() if available **/
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
function XMLHttpRequestCallback()
if (xmlRequest.readyState == 4) { useData({success:xmlRequest.status,content:xmlRequest.responseText,contentType:xmlRequest.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")})
var xmlRequest = null;
xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = XMLHttpRequestCallback;
/** write an error message if either method is not available **/
else {
alert("your browser/svg viewer neither supports window.getURL nor window.XMLHttpRequest!");
<div id="IndexPage_Left_top">
<h1>Country: <span class="label" id="country_name"> </span> </h1>
<table >
<td><h4>Regional Representative: </h4></td>
<td><h4><span class="label" id="firstname">$firtname</span> <span class="label" id="lastname">$lastname</span></h4></td><!--get Rep name from database based on country from svg to display-->
<tr height="300px" align="top">
<td ><h4> Photo:</h4></td><!--get Rep photo from database based on country from svg to display-->
<td><span class="photo" id="photo"></td>
<td><input style='margin-top: 20px;' type="submit" value="Contact me" id='jqxButton' /></td>
</tr><!-- if clicked, it opens a contact form below, the email address is hidden-->
<div id="IndexPage_Left_bottom">
<h4>email form here<h4>
<p> email address is <span class="label" id="email">$email</span> </p><!-- if email is clicked, it opens a contact form here with email address from above -->
<div id="IndexPage_Right">
<svg id="map" version="1.1" rest of svg code
這與我關於svg的其他問題有關。 (displaying data from sql from clicking on svg map)一旦我點擊某個svg,它就會填充用於顯示有關所點擊國家/地區的數據的變量。這些變量也用於填充聯繫表單。
您是否按照預期測試了Web服務的正確輸出。 – Codelord
嘿。你應該在這裏複製/粘貼確切的錯誤(即使它對你來說似乎是一個簡單的語法錯誤。)另外,你提到你的其他問題?還有什麼問題?你能添加一個鏈接嗎?如您所說, –