2014-01-31 90 views


pg_dump --host xx.xx.xx.xx --port xxxx --username "xxx" --password --format custom --blobs --verbose --file "testing.db" "xxx" 


pg_dump: Dumping the contents of table "versions" failed: PQgetCopyData() failed. 
pg_dump: Error message from server: SSL error: sslv3 alert handshake failure 
pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.xxx (columns) TO stdout; 



我在OS X 10.8.5上。本地pg_dump是9.2.4,服務器是運行psql 9.1.9的Ubuntu服務器。



這可能是一個SSL renegociation的問題。

請參閱服務器上的此參數(postgresql.conf)和關於舊SSL客戶端庫的相關警告,儘管OS X 10.8看起來比這更新。

9.1 documentation

ssl_renegotiation_limit (integer)

Specifies how much data can flow over an SSL-encrypted connection before 
renegotiation of the session keys will take place. 

Renegotiation decreases an attacker's chances of doing cryptanalysis when large amounts of traffic can be examined, but it also carries a large performance penalty. The sum of sent and received traffic is used to check the limit. If this parameter is set to 0, renegotiation is disabled. The default is 512MB.

Note: SSL libraries from before November 2009 are insecure when using SSL renegotiation, due to a vulnerability in the SSL protocol. As a stop-gap fix for this vulnerability, some vendors shipped SSL libraries incapable of doing renegotiation. If any such libraries are in use on the client or server, SSL renegotiation should be disabled.


postgresql.conf更新此參數不需要重新啓動服務器,但/etc/init.d/postgresql reloadservice postgresql reload服務器重裝。

值可以也可以在SQL檢查與show ssl_renegotiation_limit;

即使轉儲的大小大於512Mb的小,它可能是發送的數據的量是這樣大,因爲pg_dump壓縮本地數據使用自定義格式時(--format custom)。


我試着將它設置爲0,但仍然得到相同的錯誤。 (我沒有重新啓動postgres,因爲它在.conf文件中表明這是必要的,我應該放棄這一點嗎?)數據庫轉儲應該遠遠小於512mb的價值。 –


@亞歷克斯:請參閱我的編輯 –


好的,謝謝,我會在高峯時段外出發,讓你知道它是如何發展的。 –