我試圖翻譯德爾福此代碼C++ Builder中:翻譯德爾福VarSupports到C++ Builder中
procedure HandleStyleSheets(const Document: IDispatch);
Doc: IHTMLDocument2; // document object
StyleSheets: IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection; // document's style sheets
SheetIdx: Integer; // loops thru style sheets
OVSheetIdx: OleVariant; // index of a style sheet
StyleSheet: IHTMLStyleSheet; // reference to a style sheet
OVStyleSheet: OleVariant; // variant ref to style sheet
RuleIdx: Integer; // loops thru style sheet rules
Style: IHTMLRuleStyle; // ref to rule's style
// Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
if not Supports(Document, IHTMLDocument2, Doc) then
// Loop through all style sheets
StyleSheets := Doc.styleSheets;
for SheetIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheets.length) do
OVSheetIdx := SheetIdx; // sheet index as variant required for next call
// Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to
// interface reference)
OVStyleSheet := StyleSheets.item(OVSheetIdx);
if VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet) then
// Loop through all rules within style a sheet
for RuleIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheet.rules.length) do
// Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
// Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
// attributes are shared between these interfaces
Style := StyleSheet.rules.item(RuleIdx).style;
Style.backgroundImage := ''; // removes any background image
Style.backgroundColor := ''; // resets background colour to default
if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))
DelphiInterface<IHTMLDocument2> Doc; // document object
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection> StyleSheets; // document's style sheets
int SheetIdx; // loops thru style sheets
OleVariant OVSheetIdx; // index of a style sheet
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheet> StyleSheet; // reference to a style sheet
OleVariant OVStyleSheet; // variant ref to style sheet
int RuleIdx; // loops thru style sheet rules
DelphiInterface<IHTMLRuleStyle> Style; // ref to rule's style
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetRule> StyleSheetRule;
// Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
if (!Supports(EmbeddedWB1->Document, IID_IHTMLDocument2, Doc)) throw Exception("Not supported");
// Loop through all style sheets
StyleSheets = Doc->styleSheets;
for (SheetIdx = 0; SheetIdx < StyleSheets->length; SheetIdx++)
OVSheetIdx = SheetIdx; // sheet index as variant required for next call
// Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to interface reference)
StyleSheets->item(OVSheetIdx, OVStyleSheet);
if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))
// Loop through all rules within style a sheet
for (RuleIdx = 0; RuleIdx < StyleSheet->rules->length; RuleIdx)
// Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
// Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
// attributes are shared between these interfaces
StyleSheet->rules->item(RuleIdx, StyleSheetRule);
Style = StyleSheetRule->style;
Style->backgroundImage = L""; // removes any background image
Style->backgroundColor = L""; // resets background colour to default
謝謝,但如果我指定它就像它不能編譯 - E2285找不到匹配的操作符_di_IHTMLStyleSheet :: =(OleVariant)' –
你必須首先從OleVariant獲取接口 - 我已經糾正上面的代碼。如前所述,它編譯,但我沒有功能測試它。 – nachbar