在一個actionscript函數(方法)中,我可以訪問arguments.caller,它返回一個Function對象,但是我找不到這個Function對象表示的函數的名字。它的toString()只是返回[Function],我找不到任何其他有用的訪問器給我,... 幫助: -/有沒有辦法在actionscript2中找到調用函數的名稱?
我找到了答案,我會在下面粘貼它。 @finomas:是的,你當然是對的,函數只是對象,我要找的是對它們的引用(如果存在的話,即函數不是匿名的)的名稱。一般來說,這看起來並不是編程的最佳方式;-)但是,我的場景很特別:我想用Check.checkTrue和Checks等方法實現Checks類(類似於C CHECK)。 checkRef,當檢查失敗時,我得到一個很好的跟蹤。跟蹤將只在調試版本中出現,而不是在版本中。
我正在使用MTASC,下面的代碼只適用於MTASC。它也應該僅用於調試目的而不是釋放。 該技術是在_global上迭代並找到一個與我的調用函數相同的函數。這是一種黑客行爲,並不總是有效(匿名),但在大多數情況下,它對我來說很好。
39: /**
40: * Checks that cond is true. Use this method to validate that condition
41: * cond holds.
42: * If cond is false, traces a severe message and returns false to indicate
43: * check failure.
44: *
45: * @param cond the contition expected to be true
46: * @param msg the message to emit in case the condition is false.
47: *
48: * @return false is cond is false
49: */
50: public static function checkTrue(cond:Boolean, msg:String):Boolean {
51: if (!cond) {
52: trace("severe", "CHECK FAILED at " +
53: **getFunctionName(arguments.caller)** + ":\n" + msg);
54: }
55: return cond;
56: }
94: /**
95: * Gets the name of the function func.
96: * Warning: Use this only in debug version, not in release
98: *
99: * @return The full package path to the function. null if the function
100: * isn't found.
101: */
102: private static function getFunctionName(func:Function):String {
103: var name:String = getFunctionNameRecursive(func, _global);
108: return name;
109: }
111: /**
112: * Gets the name of the function func by recursively iterating over root.
113: * Warning: Use this only in debug version, not in release
114: */
115: private static function getFunctionNameRecursive(func:Function,
116: root:Object):String {
117: if (!root) {
118: return null;
119: }
121: // Iterate over classes in this package
122: // A class is a function with a prototype object
123: for (var i:String in root) {
124: if (root[i] instanceof Function && root[i].prototype != null) {
125: // Found a class.
126: // Iterate over class static members to see if there's a match
127: for (var f:String in root[i]) {
128: if(root[i][f] == func) {
129: return i + "." + f;
130: }
131: }
132: // Loop over the class's prototype to look for instance methods
133: var instance:Object = root[i].prototype;
134: // Reveal prototype's methods.
135: // Warning: Not to be used in production code!!!
136: // The following line make all the instance attributes visible to the
137: // for-in construct. The "n" value is 8 which means "unhide"
138: // See http://osflash.org/flashcoders/undocumented/assetpropflags
139: // This operation is later undone by setting the "n" to 1 which means
140: // "hide"
141: _global.ASSetPropFlags(instance, null, 8, 1);
142: for (var f:String in instance) {
143: if(instance[f] == func) {
144: return i + "." + f;
145: }
146: }
147: // And hide instance methods again
148: // This line undoes the previous ASSetPropFlags
149: _global.ASSetPropFlags(instance, null, 1, false);
150: }
151: }
153: // Iterate over sub packages. Sub packages have type "object"
154: for (var i:String in root) {
155: if (typeof(root[i]) == "object") {
156: var name:String = getFunctionNameRecursive(func, root[i]);
157: if (name) {
158: return i + "." + name;
159: }
160: }
161: }
162: return null;
163: }
函數只是一個對象像任何其他 - 它不有一個「名」本身;它只有一個名稱,因爲您可以對其進行一次或多次引用。如果你所要問的是如何獲得函數被調用的引用的名稱,那麼沒有通用的方法來做到這一點。 (所有功能可以匿名聲明,在這種情況下,它沒有任何名稱。)
據我所知,不在AS2 只有AS3。
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