該程序如何不打印到屏幕上,我在INT 80命令中丟失了什麼?NASM一次打印一個字符
section .bss
section .data
hello: db "Hello World",0xa ;10 is EOL
section .text
global _start
mov ecx, 0; ; int i = 0;
mov dl, byte [hello + ecx] ; while(data[i] != EOF) {
cmp dl, 0xa ;
je exit ;
mov ebx, ecx ; store conetents of i (ecx)
; Print single character
mov eax, 4 ; set sys_write syscall
mov ecx, byte [hello + ebx] ; ...
mov edx, 1 ; move one byte at a time
int 0x80 ;
inc ebx ; i++
mov ecx, ebx ; move ebx back to ecx
jmp loop ;
mov eax, 0x01 ; 0x01 = syscall for exit
int 0x80 ;
sandbox: sandbox.o
ld -o sandbox sandbox.o
sandbox.o: sandbox.asm
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs sandbox.asm -l sandbox.lst
section .bss
section .data
hello: db "Hello World",0xa ;10 is EOL
section .text
global _start
mov ecx, 0; ; int i = 0;
mov dl, byte [hello + ecx] ; while(data[i] != EOF) {
cmp dl, 0xa ;
je exit ;
mov ebx, ecx ; store conetents of i (ecx)
; Print single character
mov eax, 4 ; set sys_write syscall
mov cl, byte [hello + ebx] ; ...
mov edx, 1 ; move one byte at a time
int 0x80 ;
inc ebx ; i++
mov ecx, ebx ; move ebx back to ecx
jmp while ;
mov eax, 0x01 ; 0x01 = syscall for exit
int 0x80 ;
請閱讀我對編輯中提到的額外字符的評論。 – AusCBloke