即時運行janrains php5 php-openid的檢測腳本,我一直在遇到這個錯誤。Janrain php-openid查詢損壞
Query Corruption
Your web server seems to corrupt queries. Received , expected a=%26b.
Check for mod_encoding.
HTTP Fetching
This PHP installation has support for libcurl. Good.
An HTTP request was completed. *An unexpected URL was returned:
Your PHP installation appears to support SSL, so it will be able to process
HTTPS identity URLs and server URLs.
香港專業教育學院坐落在國防部的文件夾mod_encoding並啓用它,但林不知道該怎麼用它做什麼,因爲我似乎無法在其上找到文檔輕鬆。我正在運行debian lenny的最新apache php。當我回家時我會有特定的版本!謝謝!!
好吧,當我說可以從cli運行detect.php時,我對指令感到有點困惑,但這是查詢字符串檢查失敗的原因。 duh -_-。我仍然得到一個意想不到的網址然而 – Shawn 2011-04-23 19:01:15