2009-09-09 117 views



一種可能性是檢查VBE6.DLL在C存在:\ Program Files文件\ Common Files文件\ Microsoft共享\ VBA \ VBA6。或者在註冊表中尋找對該DLL或字符串VBA的引用。

請注意,對於Office 2010,此位置/文件名可能會有所不同,因爲VBA編輯器中有一些更改。


不幸的是,這對Office 365不起作用。 – 2017-04-24 05:41:22


你爲什麼不嘗試這樣的功能... found here

Option Explicit 
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long 

Private Sub cmdCheck_Click() 
MsgBox "Exist ??? =" & CheckForComponent("user32.dll") 
End Sub 

Private Function CheckForComponent(ComPath As String) As Boolean 
Dim Ret As Long 
Ret = LoadLibrary(ComPath) 
FreeLibrary Ret 

If Ret = 0 Then 
     CheckForComponent = False 
     CheckForComponent = True 
End If 

End Function 
public static class VbePrerequisiteDetector { 
    private const string VbeInstallationPathKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VBA"; 
    private const string Vbe6InstallationPathValue = "Vbe6DllPath"; 
    private const string Vbe7InstallationPathValue = "Vbe7DllPath"; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Return true if VBE6 installed. VBE6 is prerequisite for for Office2003 and Office2007 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <returns>Return true if VBE6 installed.</returns> 
    public static bool IsVbe6Installed() { 
     try { 
      RegistryKey vbaPathKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(VbeInstallationPathKey); 

      if (vbaPathKey != null) { 
       if (vbaPathKey.GetValue(Vbe6InstallationPathValue) != null) { 
        string pathToVbe = (string)vbaPathKey.GetValue(Vbe6InstallationPathValue); 
        if (File.Exists(pathToVbe)) { 
         return true; 

     catch (Exception) { 
      //Ignore all exceptions 
     return false; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Return true if VBE7 installed. VBE7 is prerequisite for for Office2010 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <returns>Return true if VBE7 installed.</returns> 
    public static bool IsVbe7Installed() { 
     try { 
      RegistryKey vbaPathKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(VbeInstallationPathKey); 

      if (vbaPathKey != null) { 
       if (vbaPathKey.GetValue(Vbe7InstallationPathValue) != null) { 
        string pathToVbe = (string)vbaPathKey.GetValue(Vbe7InstallationPathValue); 
        if (File.Exists(pathToVbe)) { 
         return true; 

     catch (Exception) { 
      //Ignore all exceptions 
     return false; 

這個標籤是VBA和Office。您確定要發佈與標籤無關的答案嗎?沒有任何解釋? – Fionnuala 2011-01-14 12:54:13


我們正在談論的Windows Installer組件。 安裝程序有一個API,您可以在其中安裝功能/組件時請求安裝。 的api也返回組件安裝的位置。 如果nessacary你可以安裝缺少的組件。


see documentation


,以檢測是否安裝VBA的最佳方式是使用MsiQueryFeatureState API,並要求Windows安裝程序的功能是否安裝與否。下面是一些在VB.NET中執行此操作的示例代碼,但是您可以使用允許調用COM組件的任何語言對其進行編碼(對不起,不熟悉InnoSetup)。

Private Declare Function MsiQueryFeatureState Lib "Msi" Alias "MsiQueryFeatureStateA" (ByVal Product As String, ByVal Feature As String) As Long 

Public Function FVbaAvailable() As Boolean 

    Dim objExcelApp As Object 
    Dim strProductCode As String 
    Dim nState As Long 
    Dim fAvailable As Boolean = False 

     ' Start an Excel instance and get the product code. 
     objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
     strProductCode = DirectCast(objExcelApp.ProductCode, String) 

     ' Get FeatureState for the VBAFiles Feature. 
     nState = MsiQueryFeatureState(strProductCode, "VBAFiles") 

     If (nState = 1) OrElse (nState = 3) OrElse (nState = 4) Then 
      ' VBA is available. 
      fAvailable = True 
     End If 

     ' Clean up. 
     objExcelApp = Nothing 
    Catch ex As Exception 
    End Try 

    Return fAvailable 
End Function 