我很新的Qt,並試圖創建一個用戶界面,其中用戶將有信息行,每一行代表一個管道中的階段。 Iam試圖實現一個用戶可以拖放不同的行,這將改變步驟的發生順序。pyQt v4 rowsMoved信號
我已經實現了阻力和使用行的下降。 self.tableView.verticalHeader()setMovable(真)
蔭現在試圖讓信號「rowsMoved」的工作,但不能似乎得到它在我的自定義模型和委託中工作。如果有人知道一種方法來實現這一目標,或者不使用此Signla並使用另一個信號來跟蹤哪一行已經移動以及它現在移到哪裏。這將是一個很大的幫助! :)
class pipelineModel(QAbstractTableModel):
def __init_(self):
super(pipelineModel, self).__init__()
self.stages = []
# Sets up the population of information in the Model
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
if (not index.isValid() or not (0 <= index.row() < len(self.stages))):
return QVariant()
column = index.column()
stage = self.stages[ index.row() ] # Retrieves the object from the list using the row count.
if role == Qt.DisplayRole: # If the role is a display role, setup the display information in each cell for the stage that has just been retrieved
if column == NAME:
return QVariant(stage.name)
if column == ID:
return QVariant(stage.id)
if column == PREV:
return QVariant(stage.prev)
if column == NEXT:
return QVariant(stage.next)
if column == TYPE:
return QVariant(stage.assetType)
if column == DEPARTMENT:
return QVariant(stage.depID)
if column == EXPORT:
return QVariant(stage.export)
if column == PREFIX:
return QVariant(stage.prefix)
if column == DELETE:
return QVariant(stage.delete)
elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
elif role == Qt.TextColorRole:
elif role == Qt.BackgroundColorRole:
return QVariant()
# Sets up the header information for the table
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter))
return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter))
if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
return QVariant()
if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: # If Orientation is horizontal then we populate the headings
if section == ID:
return QVariant("ID")
elif section == PREV:
return QVariant("Previouse")
elif section == NEXT:
return QVariant("Next")
elif section == NAME:
return QVariant("Name")
elif section == TYPE:
return QVariant("Type")
elif section == DEPARTMENT:
return QVariant("Department")
elif section == EXPORT:
return QVariant("Export Model")
elif section == PREFIX:
return QVariant("Prefix")
elif section == DELETE:
return QVariant("Delete")
return QVariant(int(section + 1)) # Creates the Numbers Down the Vertical Side
# Sets up the amount of Rows they are
def rowCount(self, index = QModelIndex()):
count = 0
count = len(self.stages)
return count
# Sets up the amount of columns they are
def columnCount(self, index = QModelIndex()):
return 9
def rowsMoved(self, row, oldIndex, newIndex):
print 'ASDASDSA'
# ---------MAIN AREA---------
class pipeline(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(pipeline, self).__init__(parent)
self.stages = self.getDBinfo() # gets the stages from the DB and return them as a list of objects
tableLabel = QLabel("Testing Table - Custom Model + Custom Delegate")
self.tableView = QTableView() # Creates a Table View (for now we are using the default one and not creating our own)
self.tableDelegate = pipelineDelegate()
self.tableModel = pipelineModel()
# self.tableView.setItemDelegate(self.tableDelegate)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
self.connect(self.tableModel, SIGNAL("rowsMoved()"), self.MovedRow) # trying to setup an on moved signal, need to check threw the available slots
# self.connect(self.tableModel, SIGNAL(" rowsAboutToBeMoved(QModelIndex,int,int,QModelIndex ,int)"), self.MovedRow) # trying to setup an on moved signal, need to check threw the available slots
我不認爲這裏有足夠的信息可以幫助任何人解決問題。我建議你或者添加一些簡化代碼,或者關於任何錯誤消息的信息,或者別人的任何信息...... –
你可以發佈一些代碼來展示你當前如何使用信號? –
增加了一些代碼。它基本上歸結爲如何使用QAbstractTableModel上的信號行移動,它是我所遺漏的一件事,如何跟蹤行的移動,以便您可以看到它在哪裏以及它現在在哪裏,一旦它出現移動 –