2011-12-12 79 views





The method 'FetchCountryList' returns a value of type 'System.Xml.XmlDocument', which 
cannot be serialized as Xml. Original error: Unable to generate a temporary class 
(result=1). error CS2001: Source file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\d2h0eyni.0.cs' could not be 
found error CS2008: No inputs specified 



        url: 'CountryDefinition.aspx/FetchCountryList', 
        dataType: 'xml', 
        colModel: [ 
         { display: 'Name', name: 'Name', width: 210, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, 
         { display: 'Code', name: 'Code', width: 100, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, 
         { display: 'Capital', name: 'Capital', width: 210, sortable: true, align: 'left' }, 
         { display: 'Actions', width: 100, align: 'Center'}], 
        buttons: [ 
         { name: 'Add', bclass: 'add', onpress: addOpr }, 
         { separator: true}], 
        searchitems: [ 
         { display: 'Name', name: 'Name', isdefault: true }, 
         { display: 'Capital', name: 'Capital'}], 
        sortname: "Name", 
        sortorder: "asc", 
        usepager: true, 
        //title: 'Countries', 
        useRp: true, 
        rp: 10, 
        resizable: false, 
        showTableToggleBtn: false, 
        width: 783, 
        height: 330 


    [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml)] 
    public static XmlDocument FetchCountryList(int page, int rp, string sortname, string sortorder, string query, string qtype) 
     CountryBL CountryBLO = new CountryBL(); 
     XDocument xmlDoc = new XDocument(
      new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), 

       new XElement("rows", 
        new XElement("page", page.ToString()), 
        new XElement("total", CountryBLO.Load().Count.ToString()), 
        CountryBLO.Load(page, rp, sortname, sortorder, query, qtype).Select(row => new XElement("row", new XAttribute("Id", row.Id.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Name.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Code.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Capital.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", "<img id='imgEdit' lang='" + row.Id.ToString() + @"' style='cursor:pointer;border:0px;' src='../../Storage/Images/FlexGrid/edit.png' /> 
                      <img id='imgDelete' lang='" + row.Id.ToString() + "' style='cursor:pointer;border:0px;' src='../../Storage/Images/FlexGrid/delete.gif' />")       
     return Tools.XDocumentToXmlDocument(xmlDoc); 



如何爲我的問題分配賞金! –




    [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml)] 
    public static String FetchCountryList(int page, int rp, string sortname, string sortorder, string query, string qtype) 
     CountryBL CountryBLO = new CountryBL(); 
     XDocument xmlDoc = new XDocument(
      new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), 

       new XElement("rows", 
        new XElement("page", page.ToString()), 
        new XElement("total", CountryBLO.Load().Count.ToString()), 
        CountryBLO.Load(page, rp, sortname, sortorder, query, qtype).Select(row => new XElement("row", new XAttribute("Id", row.Id.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Name.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Code.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", row.Capital.ToString()), 
                 new XElement("cell", "<img id='imgEdit' lang='" + row.Id.ToString() + @"' style='cursor:pointer;border:0px;' src='../../Storage/Images/FlexGrid/edit.png' /> 
                      <img id='imgDelete' lang='" + row.Id.ToString() + "' style='cursor:pointer;border:0px;' src='../../Storage/Images/FlexGrid/delete.gif' />")       

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); 
     using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(builder)) 

     return builder.ToString(); 

我發佈了它,我在本地計算機上工作,等待我上傳後檢查它。 –


啊,它沒有工作,鋼鐵發生錯誤,想自己檢查我的網站?看看會發生什麼? –


是的。錯誤仍然是一樣的嗎? – ysrb