PS網站正在建設中,但可以看出: http://robtsani.com/our-solar-system/index.html
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<p>Mars is the fourth planet, etc......</p>
<div class = "back">
<p>There have been over 40 missions to Mars in the past 50 years.
Most notable ones have been the recent landings of rover vehicles.
<a href = "http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm? Sort=Target&Target=Mars&MCode=Pathfinder">
Pathfinder</a> landed on the surface in 1997 releasing Sojourner
the first wheeled robot to explore another planet.
<p>In 2004 the twin missions <a href = "http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Target&Target=Mars&MCode=MER">
Spirit and Opportunity</a> landed on the surface of Mars. <a href = "http://marsrover.nasa.gov/mission/status_spirit_2010.html">Spirit</a>
explored years beyond its original 92 days mission.
<a href = "http://marsrover.nasa.gov/mission/status_opportunityAll.html">Opportunity</a>
is still working and has covered more than 38km as of October
留在鏈接和後面板上的一些文字。 ..希望有一個簡單的解決方案,這已盯着它幾天...