public partial class RoutedEventAddRemoveHandler {
void MakeButton(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button b2 = new Button();
b2.Content = "New Button";
// Associate event handler to the button. You can remove the event
// handler using "-=" syntax rather than "+=".
b2.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(Onb2Click);
root.Children.Insert(root.Children.Count, b2);
DockPanel.SetDock(b2, Dock.Top);
text1.Text = "Now click the second button...";
b1.IsEnabled = false;
void Onb2Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
text1.Text = "New Button (b2) Was Clicked!!";
我不會動態創建的按鈕,但立即操縱其知名度和或事實啓用yes或no來代替經歷了所有這些麻煩。 –
爲什麼要創建一個新按鈕,當您的xaml中的提交按鈕帶有visible = false並且只是在需要時將其可見性更改爲true時? –
什麼是「根」變量? – Nazmul