2010-01-15 132 views


type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)] 

item :: Parser Char 
item = \ inp -> case inp of 
       [] -> [] 
       (x:xs) -> [(x, xs)] 

ret :: a -> Parser a 
ret v = \ inp -> [(v, inp)] 

parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)] 
parse p inp = p inp 

pseq :: Parser (Char, Char) 
pseq = do x <- item 
      y <- item 
      ret (x, y) 

ac = parse pseq "abcdef" 


Type error in explicitly typed binding 
*** Term   : pseq 
*** Type   : [Char] -> [(([(Char,[Char])],[(Char,[Char])]),[Char])] 
*** Does not match : Parser (Char,Char) 


Unresolved top-level overloading 
*** Binding    : pseq 
*** Outstanding context : Monad ((->) [Char]) 




newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a, String)]) 
    -- make this a distinct type 
    -- now the function is "wrapped", though at no run-time cost 

instance Monad Parser where 
    return = ret -- you already had it defined 
    (>>=) = bind -- added below 
    -- this instance makes Parser a Moand, and lets it work with do notation 

item :: Parser Char 
item = Parser $ \ inp -> case inp of 
         [] -> [] 
         (x:xs) -> [(x, xs)] 
    -- need to "wrap" up the function as a Parser value 

ret :: a -> Parser a 
ret v = Parser $ \ inp -> [(v, inp)] 
    -- need to "wrap" up the function as a Parser value 

bind :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b 
bind p f = Parser $ \ s -> case parse p s of 
          [] -> [] 
          [(a, s')] -> parse (f a) s' 
    -- the only function you were missing 
    -- it is worth making sure you understand how it works 

parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)] 
parse (Parser p) inp = p inp 
    -- needs to "unwrap" the newtype here 

pseq :: Parser (Char, Char) 
pseq = do x <- item 
      y <- item 
      ret (x, y) 

ac = parse pseq "abcdef" 
    -- you probably meant pseq here, not seq 

最後,您使用的[(a, String)]返回類型,這樣就可以表示事物無法解析。但該列表中只有零個或一個項目。你應該看看MaybeEither,在這種情況下可能會更清楚。


問題是,重新嘗試使用do -notation爲Parser,但它不完全是Monad。這是有點,因爲r ->Monad實例,但是它使得->的的「元素」類型的右側的類型成爲中的a的元素類型。您需要定義Parser a newtype,併爲其編寫一個自定義的Monad實例(或將其編寫爲出現的單子/變形器,如ListTStateT)。