我知道這個has already been asked,但給出的anwser不起作用。我花了一個多小時尋找公式或算法,但一無所獲。因此,我開始編寫我自己的算法,以儘可能最有效的方式將RGB轉換爲RGBW。這是我目前有:將RGB轉換爲RGBW
//'Ri', 'Gi', and 'Bi' correspond to the Red, Green, and Blue inputs.
var M = Math.Max(Ri, Math.Max(Gi, Bi)); //The maximum value between R,G, and B.
int Wo =0; //White output
int Ro=0; //Red output
int Go=0; //Green output
int Bo=0; //Blue output
int av = 0; //Average between the two minimum values
int hR = 0; //Red with 100% hue
int hG = 0; //Green with 100% hue
int hB = 0; //Blue with 100% hue
//These 4 lines serve to figure out what the input color is with 100% hue.
float multiplier = 255.0f/M;
hR = Convert.ToInt32(Ri * multiplier);
hG = Convert.ToInt32(Gi * multiplier);
hB = Convert.ToInt32(Bi * multiplier);
//Depending on the maximum value, get an average of the least used colors, weighted for their importance in the overall hue.
//This is the problematic part
if (M == Ri)
av = (Bi*hB + Gi*hG)/(hB+hG);
else if (M == Gi)
av = (Ri*hR + Bi*hB)/(hR+hB);
else if (M == Bi)
av = (Gi*hG + Ri*hR)/(hG+hR);
//Set the rgbw colors
Wo = av;
Bo = Bi - av;
Ro = Ri - av;
Go = Gi - av;
if (Wo < 1) Wo = 0;
if (Bo < 1) Bo = 0;
if (Ro < 1) Ro = 0;
if (Go < 1) Go = 0;
if (Wo > 255) Wo = 255;
if (Bo > 255) Bo = 255;
if (Ro > 255) Ro = 255;
if (Go > 255) Go = 255;
我不知道你的整數部分是否是問題的一部分。你不想讓這個倍數成爲浮點數/小數點並截斷/舍入最終值嗎? – shawnt00
什麼意思是「不起作用」? –
@ shawnt00我不這麼認爲。我很確定.NET處理這個問題。我用雙打或浮點數分割得到相同的結果,然後轉換爲整數,但我得到了同樣的結果。 – user2950509